• 中国大陆


    2014年9月3日 - 近日,山东菏泽市单县50兆瓦太阳能电站投资项目,由菏泽方代表与清源科(厦门)股份有限公司签订了该项目的三方合作协议。 
  • 德国

    Juwi AG拟在菲律宾建设6.25兆瓦光伏电站

    September 2, 2014 - Germany's juwi group has expanded its global footprint to the Philippines. juwi has been selected as the preferred EPC partner to build a ground-mounted, grid-connected utility scale solar PV power plant by the project's sponsors. The solar farm is scheduled to be completed by early next year and will have an installed capacity of 6.25MW. The plant's 20,500 photovoltaic modules will produce more than 9 million kilowatt hours of climate friendly electricity per year and will thus help to support the country's growing electricity needs, sustainably.
  • 美国 中国大陆

    Conti Group购买阿特斯11兆瓦光伏组件

    September 2, 2014 - Canadian Solar Inc. today announced that it supplied Conti / SunDurance with 11MW of solar modules during the second quarter of 2014.
  • 中国大陆


    2014年9月3日 - 近日,清源科技马来西亚办事处喜获兆瓦级订单——客户采购了兆瓦级清源科技自主研发生产的“清源易捷ST-III”地面光伏支架产品。该订单的签约标志着清源科技的业务范围进一步辐射到东亚市场。
  • 瑞士 美国

    Etrion与Hitachi High-Tech拟在日本建设34兆瓦光伏项目

    September 2, 2014 - Etrion Corporation and Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation today announced the planned construction of 34MW in Japan with financing arranged by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
  • 西班牙

    EDP Renováveis完成美国30兆瓦光伏项目融资

    September 1, 2014 - EDP Renováveis, S.A. through its fully owned subsidiary EDP Renewables North America LLC, has secured a $33 million commitment of institutional equity financing in exchange for an interest in the 30MW Lone Valley solar PV project, located in the State of California. Lone Valley is EDPR's first solar project in North America, being currently under construction and expected to be commissioned in the 4Q14.
  • 德国

    Scatec Solar与Norfund签署合作协议拟在非洲国家发展光伏项目

    August 30, 2014 - Scatec Solar has signed a partnership agreement with Norfund to jointly invest in solar power projects to be developed in all countries within Norfund's mandate.
  • 美国


    August 27, 2014 - HelioSage Energy has announced the sale of a 77MWdc/ 60MWac portfolio of development-stage solar facilities in North Carolina. The portfolio is comprised of 12 ground-mounted solar projects sited in eastern North Carolina. Once constructed, the projects will sell power under a Power Purchase Agreement with either Duke Energy-Progress or the North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (NCEMPA).
  • 中国大陆


    2014年9月1日 - 去年底申请破产的德国太阳能企业SAG Solarstrom表示,已和顺风光电达成协议,由顺风光电以6,500万欧元(约6.59亿港元)收购该公司。SAG Solarstrom表示不会进行裁员,且在顺风光电安排的增长战略下,未来还会创造更多工作岗位。
  • 中国大陆


    2014年9月1日 - 近日,保威螺旋桩再次获得美国西弗吉尼亚州1.5兆瓦地面光伏电站项目订单,全球业绩添色彩。这两年,在众多光伏发电激励政策包括可再生能源配额,税收优惠,现金补助计划等驱动下,美国光伏市场发展持续高速增长。未来五年,美国光伏市场预计比2009年市场规模增长10倍,即年均增长30%以上。