• 德国

    Frontier Renewables与加利福尼亚大学签署80兆瓦售电协议

    September 8, 2014 - Frontier Renewables LLC announced today the signing of two 25-year power purchase agreements ("PPAs") with the University of California to provide its campuses and medical centers with a total of 80MW of clean, renewable solar photovoltaic energy. The projects are 60MW and 20MW in size and are both located in Fresno County, California.
  • 印度

    Tata Power Solar拟为L N Bangur集团10兆瓦光伏项目供应组件

    September 9, 2014 - Tata Power Solar today announced that it has won a significant DCR order under JNNSM phase-2 batch-1. The company will supply the entire module requirement for the 10MW project to be built by Palimarwar Solar Project Private Limited in Rajasthan. The 45,000 modules needed for the project will be manufactured at Tata Power Solar' manufacturing facility in Bangalore. 
  • 美国

    First Solar完成Barilla光伏项目第一阶段建设

    September 4, 2014 - First Solar, Inc. today announced the completion of Phase 1 of the Barilla Solar Project in Pecos County, Texas, bringing approximately 18MWAC of generating capacity to the Texas competitive wholesale market.
  • 中国大陆


    2014年9月10日 - 韩华新能源日前宣布,该公司已与中国内蒙古与包头山晟新能源公司签署关于提供50兆瓦光伏组件的第二份供应协议。  据悉,交付将从10月开始,预计11月底完成。这些组件将用于呼和浩特和包头市地面安装的项目。公司2014年8月9日公布类似的与包头新能源达成的50兆瓦件供应协议。
  • 日本 美国

    夏普拟出售旗下Recurrent Energy

    2014年9月8日 - 日本夏普寻求出售其位于美国的太阳能研发部门Recurrent Energy。夏普正逐渐淡出太阳能行业以专注于可盈利的业务。
  • 美国

    First Solar携手NextEra Energy开工建设内华达州250兆瓦光伏电站

    September 3, 2014 - Today, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, Southern California Edison and First Solar, Inc. to break ground on the 250MW solar project being constructed in Primm, Nevada, on the California/Nevada border 40 miles south of Las Vegas. The project is strategically located near a major transmission hub and is adjacent to an existing power plant and transmission line corridor.
  • 瑞士 中国大陆


    2014年9月6日 - 瑞士ABB集团9月5日表示,已和中国的比亚迪结盟研发能源储存系统,寻求电动车充电新方式,并提振使用再生能源资源。
  • 西班牙


    September 8, 2014 - Ingeteam has exceeded 120MW of PV power supplied in Chile. This record figure has been achieved thanks to the good results obtained with the Ingecon Sun PowerMax central inverters, featuring a rated power of 1MW and a maximum efficiency of 99.1%. These inverters have been installed in a solar plant with a 100MW power output. 
  • 中国大陆


    2014年9月9日 - 阿特斯太阳能公司近日宣布,全资子公司已经与Sichuan Development Investment Management Ltd达成协议建立投资基金以为中国光伏发电项目所有权、开发和建设提供资金。
  • 美国

    SPI Solar收购并开发建设英国30.5兆瓦光伏项目

    September 4, 2014 - SPI Solar today announced that it has entered into an agreement with a London-based global renewables developer, to acquire the Developer's right to develop, finance, construct, own and operate two solar PV projects in the UK.