• 中国大陆 日本


    阳光能源公布,与日本夏普进行新的业务合作,夏普将於2013年财政年度,向公司新增采购共计370兆瓦的太阳能组件产品,此为公司与夏普近十年供销关系後的新合作领域,公司现成为夏普在中国最大的太阳能供货商,供货数量遥遥领先其他同业。 阳光能源指,由於集团目前自有的太阳能组件制造产能不足,甚至无法因应夏普单一公司的需求,故公司将严格慎选委外代工厂,令产能及质量可满足预期需求。 
  • 中国大陆

    赛维LDK第一季度营收同比降47.8% 毛利率-57%

  • 法国


    June 10, 2013 - Soitec (Euronext) has installed a concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) demonstration plant in the isolated rural village of Usib near Rehoboth in central Namibia. The new 25- kilowatt installation has been connected to the grid of the national power utility, NamPower, and provides electricity for users including a rural school. Soitec and NamPower have entered into a cooperative agreement in which Soitec has constructed and operates the CPV plant and will transfer the knowledge gained as well as operations and maintenance duties to NamPower.
  • 意大利

    Enel Green Power收购Enel Green Power Portoscuso

    June 12th, 2013 – Please be informed that the plan of merger by incorporation of Enel Green Power Portoscuso s.r.l. ("Enel Green Power Portoscuso") in Enel Green Power S.p.A. ("Enel Green Power"), approved yesterday by the corporate bodies of both companies, has been filed at Rome Trade Register.
  • 中国大陆


    June 7, 2013 - Lightway today announced the launch of the LWSS modules series specifically featured with its achievement on power optimization through the integration of module-level MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) to maximize system performance. It is ideal for residential, commercial rooftop and utility-scale applications.
  • 德国

    Scatec Solar将南非光伏电站电力出售给Eskom

    Jun 7, 2013 - Scatec Solar will sell solar power for 20 years to Eskom Holdings SOC.
  • 美国

    SoloPower总部将迁至波特兰 未来或在韩国建厂

    In its latest bid to survive, SoloPower says it will move its headquarters to Oregon and is in talks to build a South Korean hub.
  • 中国大陆

    晶科能源Q1营收同比增10% 毛利率飙升至12.7%

  • 中国大陆

    大全新能源Q1营收1450万美元 毛利率 89%

  • 德国

    Aleo Solar年度股东大会批准理事会制定的人事战略

    7 June 2013. At the seventh Annual General Meeting, the shareholders of aleo solar AG today endorsed the Management Board's strategy and formally approved the actions of the Management and Supervisory Boards by the required majority. Dr Stefan Hartung, member of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch GmbH, was elected to the Supervisory Board. Dr Hartung succeeds Dr Siegfried Dais, who resigned from the Supervisory Board effective 31 December 2012. Furthermore, PricewaterhouseCoopers Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft AG was confirmed as the auditor of the financial statements for the 2013 financial year.