• 中国大陆 美国

    保威与Shoals Technologies携手开发南非光伏市场

    2013年8月6日   Shoals科技集团与保威新能源宣布签订长期战略合作协议,共同开拓南非以及非洲大陆的光伏市场。
  • 中国大陆 印度

    CNPV与Rays Power Infra达成10兆瓦光伏组件协议

    2013年7月30日 - CNPV公司今日证实,CNPV与印度斋蒲尔Rays Power Infra公司达成协议,这是他们30+兆瓦战略协议的一部分。
  • 美国

    Solectria Renewables拟为北美8兆瓦光伏系统提供逆变器

    July 30, 2013 – Solectria Renewables announced today that its SGI 500 inverters will power an 8MW solar system in North America, at Mercer County Community College in West Windsor, New Jersey. Solectria Renewables' inverters were specified by MasTec Renewables Construction Company.
  • 中国大陆 英国


    2013年7月29日 – 晶科能源宣布,将为AMEC在美国的三个太阳能项目提供39兆瓦太阳能电池板。
  • 西班牙


    July 30, 2013 - Solarpack has signed contracts to finance its Pozo Almonte and Calama Solar 3 projects in Chile with the Inter-American Development Bank, directly and through the Canadian Climate Fund for the Private Sector in the Americas, and the French financial institution dedicated to private sector PROPARCO. The total amount of financing for the operation exceeds $65million.
  • 日本

    KYOCERA与Century Tokyo Leasing合作建设日本光伏电站项目

    July 29, 2013 - Kyocera Corporation announced that Kyocera TCL Solar with Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation, has begun operation of a 2.4 megawatt solar power plant in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. The Takamatsu Ikushima Mega Solar Plant is the first to be launched under the company's business plan to operate up to 35 small- to mid-size utility-scale solar power plants in Japan. A ceremony marking the start of the plant's operation was held on July 25th with representatives from the local community and related companies.
  • 中国大陆


    July 29, 2013 - ReneSola today announced that its string inverter, Replus, has formally obtained certification in an additional eight countries, specifically the United States, Canada, Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
  • 中国大陆


  • 日本

    Solar Frontier将销售厚度为6.5mm的光伏组件

  • 瑞士 英国

    Meyer Burger获两份总价值超500万欧元光伏设备订单

    July 25, 2013 - Today Meyer Burger Technology announced the signing of a new contract as preferred supplier with Sunsolar Energy to deliver the very first automated, integrated module line in the United Kingdom for the production of solar modules for the UK market. The module line includes lamination, cell connection, handling, performance testing and fast-track certification technologies as well as customer training and support services. With a start-up annual production capacity of 35MW, the module line can be expanded up to a production capacity of 75MW with plans by the customer for further expansion in the coming years. The manufacturing equipment is scheduled to be delivered by the end of September 2013 and the customer plans to begin production in November 2013.