• 中国大陆 德国

    晶澳将为Phoenix Solar提供38.6兆瓦光伏组件

    Aug. 6, 2013 - JA Solar today announced that it will supply 38.6MW solar modules to Phoenix Solar for the Simon Solar Farm in Georgia, U.S.A.
  • 美国

    Vivint Solar获2亿美元住宅太阳能项目融资

    Aug. 6, 2013 - Vivint Solar today announced it has secured two new tax equity funds worth $200 million. The funding will be used to continue delivering simple, affordable solar solutions to homeowners inside and outside of Vivint Inc.'s 775,000 home automation customers. 
  • 中国大陆 德国


    August 6, 2013 - CNPV Solar Power SA today confirmed their 1.1MWp supply into the a large rooftop project on the African Continent.
  • 美国

    Edison International完成对SoCore Energy的收购

    Aug. 5, 2013 - Edison International today announced that it has completed the acquisition of SoCore Energy, LLC.
  • 中国大陆


    Aug. 5, 2013 - JA Solar today announced that JA Solar and Jinglong Group have secured a RMB 550 million credit facility from the Bank of Communications of China. Of the credit facility, RMB 250 million (US$40.8 million) will be available to JA Solar and RMB 300 million (US$48.9 million) will be available to Jinglong Group. JA Solar intends to use the credit facility for working capital and general corporate purposes.
  • 爱尔兰

    丸红与Mainstream Renewable Power就1亿欧元股权投资达成协议

    2013年8月5日   Mainstream Renewable Power和丸红株式会社(Marubeni Corporation)今天就1亿欧元股权投资达成了协议,协议内容为丸红将持有Mainstream 25%左右的股权。这项交易需要得到股东批准,也是Mainstream创立5年半来最大的单一股权投资。作为协议的一部分,丸红有权与2008年投资Mainstream的巴克莱(Barclays)一起向Mainstream的董事会派驻代表。
  • 中国大陆


    2013-08-21   近日,清源科技供应的首个越南工程——胡志明市100千瓦地面光伏电站项目顺利竣工并投产发电。该工程采用清源科技自主研发生产的“清源易捷ST-III”地面光伏电站安装方案和产品。该工程的圆满竣工开启了清源科技发展越南乃至整个亚太地区市场的新篇章。
  • 美国


    August 1, 2013 - Nextronex announces the installation of four new Ohio solar projects adding 7MWs of solar power to the grid. Nextronex funnels the entire array's output to as few inverters as needed at any time – allowing each inverter to run at peak efficiency resulting in increased equipment reliability and longevity. These systems are capable of exporting energy starting at only 650 watts.
  • 中国大陆


    August 5, 2013 - Clenergy was selected as the premium supplier for the project of Jinhai Pulp & Paper, which involved mounting a solar power system on top of the pulping line facility.
  • 德国


    August 2, 2013 - According to preliminary non-audited calculations, the Centrosolar achieved a sales of solar modules and systems of 31.7MWp in the second quarter of 2013 and thus to the first quarter of 2013 (20.4MWp) has achieved an increase of 55%. The prior-year quarter of 38.6MWp was however not achieved. While sales in France and the production of modules for third-party providers on the previous year could be significantly expanded, the weak market developments in Germany and Italy had a negative impact on the sales of modules.