• 德国

    Aleo solar将提供“欧洲制造”多晶硅光伏组件

    August 21, 2013 - From September onwards, aleo solar AG will offer its polycrystalline module S_18 with certified European components. Ingots, wafers and modules are produced within the European Economic Area. The aleo product therefore fulfills the criteria specified by the French Ministry of the Environment and is certified for a "Made in Europe" bonus. This means that photovoltaic operators in France will enjoy a ten percent higher feed-in tariff when using those modules. The aleo S_18 also received the carbon footprint certificate by the French photovoltaic engineering company Solstyce.
  • 美国

    Solar Thin Films宣布完成首个太阳能跟踪系统安装

    Aug. 21, 2013 - Solar Thin Films, Inc. announced today the completion of the first installation of its Smart Solar Tracking System at a golf course, Manhattan Woods, in Pearl River, New York.
  • 中国大陆 美国

    晶科拟为Swinerton Builders提供23兆瓦光伏组件

    Aug. 21, 2013 - JinkoSolar today announced that it will supply 23MW of Solar PV modules to Swinerton Builders. According to terms of the agreement, deliveries will be completed during the 4th quarter of 2013.
  • 美国

    First Solar与Roseville签署电力购买协议

    August 20, 2013 - First Solar and the City of Roseville, California, today announced they have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for 32MWAC of solar electricity to be generated at the Lost Hills photovoltaic power plant that First Solar is developing and will construct in Kern County, California.
  • 中国大陆


    2013-08-21   近日,泰国政府宣布出台新的FIT激励机制以大力扩张在泰国商业屋顶和民宅屋顶安装屋顶光伏系统应用。在现阶段全球光伏行情依旧低迷的情况下,该政策的出台使得海内外光伏行业参与者的注意力再次聚焦在泰国。保威新能源获得120千瓦彩钢板屋顶项目及10千瓦瓦片屋顶项目。目前这两个项目已完成安装并投入使用,运行情况良好稳定。
  • 美国


    Aug. 20, 2013 - HelioPower announced today it acquired Greenzu Inc.
  • 美国

    SunPower携手Community First Credit Union为澳大利亚住宅太阳能提供贷款

    Aug. 20, 2013 - SunPower today introduced the SunPower Solar Loan for homeowners in Australia. Affordable payment options are designed to help customers finance a residential SunPower solar system over time, as it produces electricity from rooftops. In many cases, a system sized to closely match the homeowner's energy needs is expected to generate savings in excess of monthly loan payments.
  • 中国大陆 英国


    Aug. 19, 2013 - Canadian Solar today announced its modules would be used for a solar project in the Leeward Islands. Comet Solar selected Canadian Solar for the installation. 
  • 德国

    Gehrlicher Solar America完成7.2兆瓦光伏电站第一期建设

    August 19, 2013 - Gehrlicher Solar America announced today that it has completed building Phase 1 of a 7.2MWp solar park for UniSource Energy Service (UES) in Rio Rico, Arizona. Phase 1 is 4MW solar array. Phase 2 will be completed in December 2013 and commissioned in January 2014.
  • 中国大陆


    2013-08-20   晶澳太阳能近日宣布,该公司旗下“博秀”P-型单晶太阳能电池转换效率已突破20%。