• 中国大陆


  • 美国


    Ferro Corporation today announced net sales of $415 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2012, compared with net sales of $546 million in the third quarter of 2011. The Company recorded a net loss attributable to common shareholders of $316 million, or $3.66 per diluted share, in the 2012 third quarter, compared with net income attributable to common shareholders of $19.3 million, or $0.22 per diluted share, in the prior-year quarter. The adjusted net loss attributable to common shareholders, excluding special charges, was $1.9 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, compared with net income attributable to common shareholders of $20.9 million, or $0.24 per diluted share, in the third quarter of 2011.
  • 西班牙 德国


    PROINSO has supplied 432 solar inverters to four new solar PV plants that have been recently connected in northern Greece. With a total power of 7.6MW, the new plants are expected to generate 11,000MWh a year, or the approximate annual energy consumption of 2,500 households.
  • 美国


    极特先进科技公司(GT Advanced Technologies Inc.)今天宣布推出新的大容量氢氯化反应解决方案,该方案能够在单一的氢氯化反应流化床还原炉(FBR)中生产足够的三氯硅烷(TCS),为年产能超10,000公吨的多晶硅工厂提供支持。这种新型解决方案无需多个氢氯化反应流化床还原炉,因而可将各工厂的拥有成本较当前的三氯硅烷生产方法降低20%。氢氯化反应FBR解决方案还包括极特新一代氢氯化反应加热器,可将氢氯化反应FBR的转换率从27%提高到30%,从而进一步节省成本。
  • 德国 法国

    Phoenix Solar与PV Store建立合作关系

    "Phoenix Solar flies on PV Store"
  • 意大利


    意大利TerniEnergia公司近日宣布,除了在南非设立子公司以外,该公司将在阿平顿机场(Upington airport)建造一座装机量为9.5兆瓦的光伏电站。
  • 美国

    Constellation Energy计划在Westover建设两座光伏电站

    Constellation Energy is to open two solar power plants before year's end on former farmland in this rural hamlet, chipping in 4 megawatts more of electricity toward a state goal of displacing a consumption of fossil fuel.
  • 中国大陆

    Lightway Solar America推出62.8兆瓦光伏项目发展计划

    Lightway Solar America, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Lightway Green New Energy Co., Ltd., has announced the execution of 62.8 Megawatts of contracts through their project development subsidiary, Lightway Solar America Project Development. Lightway has implemented a sales model in which 11.9 MW of solar panels will be invested into these projects in exchange for equity positions with a commitment from their project partners to purchase the remaining 50.9 MW through executed supply agreements.
  • 中国大陆


    近日,格瑞士太阳能海外市场部又传来喜讯,继英国Solar Power UK展会后,咨询格瑞士太阳能支架的英国客人越来越多,其中英国大型安装商之一的客人对我们打桩地面安装系统非常满意,已经确定与格瑞士太阳能合作意向。并在下周到达中国厦门后,直接前往格瑞士太阳能公司进行深入考察。
  • 中国大陆

    Clenergy Customizes Mounting Solution for 7MW Roof-Mounted PV Project in Haikou, China

    The tropical island province of Hainan in southernmost China enjoys rich solar energy resources but also faces severe environmental challenges, including typhoons and saltwater corrosion.  When a solar energy enterprise, looked for a solution to these challenges as it began a 7MW roof-mounted project at its factory in Haikou, Hainan, it turned to Clenergy as its exclusive supplier on the strength of its comprehensive skill set and proven track record on utility-scale projects.