• 2013年1月4日


  • 美国


    Bentek Solar will supply 170MW of 1000VDC Ungrounded String Combiners and Cable Harnesses for the Centinela Solar Energy Facility project located in Calexico, CA. Shipments are scheduled to begin in early 2013 and will extend throughout the year.   “Bentek Solar is extremely pleased to announce that Fluor Corporation has selected us to supply 1000VDC Utility-Scale Ungrounded Disconnect String Combiners along with 7.2M ft in cable harnesses for the 170MW Centinela Solar Energy Facility project. In just the last six months Bentek Solar has been awarded nearly 500MW of new utility-scale PV projects and has shipped nearly 2GW of balance of system PV products in the last two years,” said John H. Buckley, Executive Sales and Marketing for Bentek Solar.
  • 美国


      北京时间1月2日晚间消息,伯克希尔哈撒韦(brk-a,brk-b)旗下的中美能源控股公司周三宣布,将从sunpower corp(spwr)手中收购装机容量579兆瓦的羚羊谷(antelope valley)太阳能项目,后者包括位于加州kern和洛杉矶县的两座太阳能发电厂。
  • 中国大陆


  • 美国

    Alexander & Baldwin与KIUC宣布建成艾伦港太阳能电站

      Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. (A&B) and Kaua'i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) today jointly announced the completion of construction of A&B's 6‑megawatt solar PV (photo-voltaic) facility at Port Allen, Kaua'i.  The facility is located on a 20-acre parcel of land owned by A&B adjacent to KIUC's Port Allen Station power plant.   The facility, which commenced delivering power to KIUC on December 7, is currently the largest solar generation facility in Hawai'i.  The solar facility is expected to generate, on average, approximately 10,200 megawatt hours of electricity per year, and will provide KIUC and its members with clean, renewable solar energy for at least the next 20 years. 
  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆


    阿特斯阳光电力和休斯电子材料公司(MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc.)旗下子公司 SunEdison Power Canada Inc.(简称爱迪生太阳能 - SunEdison)今天宣布双方完成了一项买卖交易。在此交易中,阿特斯直属子公司 Canadian Solar Solutions Inc. 收购了安大略省总装机量约为24兆瓦(直流电)的2个公用太阳能项目的大部分权益。在满足特定合同条件的情况下,阿特斯有能力完成对安大略省另外2个总装机量约为22.5兆瓦(直流电)的公用太阳能项目的收购,该公司还可以选择在晚些时候收购爱迪生太阳能旗下第5个太阳能项目。这5个太阳能项目都获得了安大略省电力局为期20年的电力购买合同,合同将根据安大略省上网电价补贴计划(上网电价补贴政策1.0版)执行。阿特斯此次收购的2个专案都获得了“可再生能源批准”,预计将于2013年初开始施工,2013年底全面运营。剩下的太阳能项目还有待最后批准,预计将在2013年中期间开始施工,在2013年底至2014年初期间全面运营。
  • 美国

    Sullivan Solar Power圣地亚哥光伏补贴项目落幕

    December 27, 2012 - San Diego is the solar capital of the nation, with more capacity and number of rooftops than any other city in the nation. Locally headquartered Sullivan Solar Power launched a countywide solar rebate program in April of this year to expand the adoption of solar technology in the region and keep the title of America's top solar city. Today, the company announced that its cash-back incentive program will close with the end of the year on December 31, 2012.
  • 中国大陆

    英利多晶光伏组件通过TUV SUD PID测试

    Dec. 28, 2012 - Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited today announced that its multicrystalline PV modules passed the Potential Induced Degradation ("PID") test conducted by TUV SUD.
  • 阿联酋 德国


    Abu Dhabi has been pushing ahead with clean-power initiatives – and its efforts are starting to bear fruit.