• 中国大陆

    江西赛维与Fulai Investments签署购股协议

    Jan. 22, 2013 - LDK Solar Co., Ltd. today announced that it has entered into a share purchase agreement dated January 21, 2013 with Fulai Investments Limited, which has agreed to purchase 17,000,000 newly issued ordinary shares of LDK Solar, at a purchase price of US$1.83 per share with an aggregate purchase price of US$31,110,000, subject to the terms and conditions of the share purchase agreement, including a lock-up for 180 days from the closing date of the contemplated transactions.
  • 中国大陆


    2013年1月18日,天华阳光公司对外宣布,其位于新疆阿克苏地区阿拉尔市的30兆瓦大型光伏地面电站成功并网。新疆建设兵团领导、第一师师市党委书记、市长,当地合作银行负责人、各级电力公司领导、园区管委会负责人、EPC合作伙伴及国内行业和财经媒体参加了此次以“绿电新疆 鼎力中华”为主题的新闻发布会。
  • 印度

    Tata Power Solar转移业务重心 将大力发展光伏EPC服务

    Hit by stiff competition from Chinese manufacturers globally, Tata Power Solar plans to shift focus from an export-oriented firm to a domestic engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) service provider, a top official said.
  • 美国

    Nautilus Solar开始运营Raymour & Flanigan屋顶1.115千瓦光伏系统

    Jan. 18, 2013 - Nautilus Solar Energy ("Nautilus Solar") has started commercial operation of its 1,115kW roof mounted, solar photovoltaic project located in Gibbstown, NJ. The project is on the rooftop of Raymour & Flanigan's ("Raymour") distribution center on Swedesboro Avenue. The power is being sold at a discount to the utility tariff rate to Raymour under a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement. SRECs are being sold to Atlantic City Electric.
  • 美国

    TMLP与Borrego Solar Systems签署购电协议

    January15, 2013 - The Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant (TMLP) has entered into a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. of Lowell, Mass., for the supply of solar power from a photovoltaic (PV) facility constructed at 32 Padelford Street, Berkley, Mass. The system is approximately three megawatts (MW) DC in size, covering 15 acres of land. Having been energized and placed in service in December, the solar farm is the largest solar project in TMLP service territory.
  • 美国


    Jan. 17, 2013 - Power-One, Inc. today provided an updated outlook for its fourth quarter 2012 financial results. The Company expects to report fourth quarter revenue of $190 million to $195 million, which is below the previously estimated range of $210 million to $230 million. Softer than expected market conditions in the Renewable Energy business, primarily in Italy and Germany, driven by reduced feed-in tariffs and a difficult financing environment, led to lower sales in the quarter. As a result, the Company expects to report a net loss of $12 million to $15 million for the quarter due to lower than expected gross margins resulting from the revenue shortfall and new product ramp-up costs. Included in the expected results is a loss, net of tax, of approximately $6 million on foreign currency remeasurement due to the strengthening of the Euro versus the dollar late in the fourth quarter.
  • 中国大陆

    金保利新能源获注资21亿太阳能业务 今复牌

  • 美国

    Envision Solar与Horizon Energy签署光伏项目合作协议

    January 17, 2013 - Envision Solar International, Inc. (EVSI) and Horizon Energy Group today announced the execution of a Teaming Agreement covering several active projects on which the Companies are collaborating.
  • 德国 西班牙

    Schletter和Grupo Clavijo将在南非开发水平单轴光伏跟踪系统

    Schletter Gmbh and the Spanish Grupo Clavijo have signed an important agreement with the objective to tackle large-scale projects in South Africa. Thus, an alliance is built intending to establish benchmark for specialists, installers and promoters interested in the start-up of large PV plants as well as to facilitate the expansion of this market.
  • 中国大陆

