• 中国大陆 英国


    苏州弘鹏新能源和英国Moss Electrical公司在苏州正式签署了45兆瓦光伏电站供货合同。根据合同规定,弘鹏新能源将在未来3个月内向位于英国Horsemoor Drove Sutton St. James的两座装机容量分别为13兆瓦和32兆瓦的光伏电站提供Hosola Sunray 60KTL型逆变器约616台。
  • 中国大陆 英国


    中信博新能源日前宣布,将向英国Moss Huade Electrical公司提供40兆瓦地面支架系统。
  • 挪威

    Innotech Solar拟收购Tripod Energy

    Innotech Solar (ITS) has today announced the successful conclusion of two key transactions, one an acquisition and one an investment which will further strengthen ITS´s balance sheet and enable further expansion. In addition the company has announced three new board members.
  • 瑞士 德国

    Meyer Burger拟向Hanwha Q Cells供应先进光伏生产设备和技术

    Meyer Burger and its Group Member Roth & Rau AG have successfully concluded an important contract with Hanwha Q Cells, for the delivery of MB-PERC upgrade equipment to its production facilities in Germany and Malaysia. Delivery of the systems is planned for late 2014 and the first half of 2015.
  • 中国大陆 美国


    英利绿色能源控股有限公司今日宣布,公司将为洪都拉斯Pavana电站提供超过24兆瓦的光伏组件。该项目由洪都拉斯能源公司Energia Basica S.A.持有。美国系统集成商Sybac Solar公司负责项目的工程总包。
  • 美国


  • 美国


    SunEdison, Inc., in partnership with BlueWave Capital LLC of Boston, today announced the completion of a 1.8 megawatt (MW) DC solar power plant constructed on a remediated EPA Superfund site in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
  • 加拿大

    EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies拟收购加拿大50兆瓦光伏项目

    EnerDynamic Hybrid Technologies Corp. is pleased to announce that it is currently in negotiations to acquire a number of solar energy projects that are backed by long-term power purchase agreements. In total the projects are more than 50MW in size and, once fully operational, would collectively generate in excess of $16 Million CDN in annual recurring revenue. The long-term power purchase agreements are under the Ontario Feed-in-Tariff program and/or similar contracts under similar programs outside of Ontario, permitting the holder of any such contract to construct a solar project to sell the power generated from such Project to the applicable Government agency.
  • 泰国


    Energy Absolute Public Company Limited has awarded Pöyry with engineering assignments for EA Solar Lampang solar PV power plant in Thailand.
  • 日本

    Solar Frontier拟为日本21.3兆瓦光伏项目供应组件

    Solar Frontier announced today that it supplied 21.3MW of its CIS thin-film modules for megasolar (utility-scale) solar energy power plants in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. The power plant, which came on stream in July 2014, is owned and managed by US Power Co., Ltd.