• 美国


    Enphase Energy, Inc. today announced the launch of Enphase Power Control software that can integrate with the Enphase® Energy System™ in North America. Enphase Power Control dynamically controls the power produced by an Enphase Energy System. This gives installers more flexibility in system design to build larger systems, avoid costly main panel upgrades, and meet utility and national electrical code (NEC) requirements.
  • 中国大陆


    Enershare successfully solved the after-sales problem of the energy storage system of a dairy farm. Enershare dispatched professional engineers and after-sales teams to actively participate in solving customer after-sales problems. After in-depth inspection and analysis, the problem of the Nigerian energy storage system was finally successfully solved, providing a stable power supply for the customer's dairy farm.
  • 中国大陆 德国

    正泰新能携手ABO Wind落地光之绿能

    近日,正泰新能携手可再生能源开发商ABO Wind,在匈牙利落地Szakoly、Bicske两个光伏电站。迎着日光熠熠生辉的ASTRO N5组件,每年能为匈牙利输送超过4000万度清洁能源,推动匈牙利能源结构调整。
  • 美国

    Nexamp 筹集5.2亿美元支持清洁能源使命

    Nexamp announced today that it has secured $520 million in a capital raise led by Manulife Investment Management, alongside existing investors Diamond Generating Corporation and Generate Capital. The company will leverage the investment to expedite deployment of its national project pipeline, accelerate expansion and developer partnerships in new and existing markets, and fuel the continued growth of its generation and consumer-driven offerings.
  • 中国大陆

    海拔 4700 米!晶澳DeepBlue 4.0 Pro 2465组件再登“世界屋脊”

    近日,在西藏自治区改则县拉果错盐湖湖畔旁,一排排光伏组件整齐林立、气势恢宏。这个占地近2100亩的大型示范项目,全面采用晶澳科技DeepBlue 4.0 Pro系列组件,并选用2465mm*1134mm黄金版型组件。面对高海拔、低温、盐雾、不均匀雪载等多重考验,此次产品的全面应用也再次实际验证了DeepBlue 4.0 Pro 系列产品的高可靠性。
  • 德国 中国大陆

    英利能源与Densys PV5签署500兆瓦光伏组件合作协议

    英利能源与德国光伏组件分销商Densys PV5携手签署了500MW光伏组件合作协议,双方将共同推动户用光伏市场的发展,为居民使用更清洁高效的能源而努力。 Densys PV5采购总监Markus Rohe先生与英利能源国际销售区域负责人王帅先生代表双方签约。根据协议,英利能源将向Densys PV5提供500MW的光伏组件,以满足后者日益增长的市场需求。
  • 中国大陆


    Jinergy has recently launched an innovative anti-dust module. This module features a unique frame design that ensures optimal load performance. The long frame structure remains unchanged, while the short frame has no A side. This design allows the short frame to sit flush against the glass surface, maximizing the effectiveness of rain in washing away dust. It also improves drainage and blowdown capacity, enhancing the self-cleaning capability of the modules. Through the optimization of the module structure, power generation loss caused by water and dust accumulation can be significantly reduced, effectively solving the issue of dust buildup. After undergoing rigorous testing and verification, Jinergy's anti-dust modules have proven to operate stably and perform well under various harsh environmental conditions.
  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆

    晶科能源为英国U Energy提供海豚工商业储能系统

    晶科能源与英国U Energy(约克郡)签订合同,为其提供液冷工商业储能海豚SunGiga。这款产品专为工商业储能需求量身定制,采用先进的液冷热管理和智能系统监控电池状况。
  • 中国大陆


    在全球能源转型的大潮中,禾润电力(HORAY Solar)加速向新能源产业链上下游延申。2023年底,禾润电力位于江苏无锡惠山的新厂房(一期)正式破土动工,标志着公司在推动绿色能源革命的道路上迈出了坚实的一步。