• 中国大陆


    日前,格瑞士太阳能与巴拿马客户签定屋顶光伏电站项目, 据介绍,巴拿马光伏发电示范项目总装机容量为510千瓦,项目位于公司的生产基地,综合利用该公司生产厂房屋顶安装光伏发电系统,计划于2012年8月中旬开工建设,9月底全部完工。
  • 挪威

    REC Reports Second Quarter 2012 Results

    Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (REC) reported second quarter 2012 revenues from continuing operations of NOK 1,987 million and EBITDA of NOK 267 million. Further operational improvement resulted in FBR cash production cost of 12.0 USD/kg and module cash cost of 71 Eurocents/watt. Net debt was reduced to NOK 4.1 billion in the quarter.
  • 中国大陆 英国


  • 美国

    SolarCity, Lend Lease Announce Next Phase in SolarStrong Project

    Lend Lease and SolarCity have announced the next project within SolarStrong, SolarCity's ambitious plan to provide solar electricity for up to 120,000 U.S. military homes. The two companies are collaborating to provide renewable solar energy to more than 850 military residences at Lend Lease-managed Air Force communities in California and Colorado Springs -- Tierra Vista at the Los Angeles Air Force Base, and Peterson AFB and Schriever AFB, both in Colorado Springs.
  • 法国 荷兰

    Senersun to Supply 55MW Worth of PV Modules to SolarNRG

    Senersun announces that is has entered into an agreement with SolarNRG for the supply of 55MW of solar panels. The panels supplied under the agreement will be distributed by SolarNRG in the Benelux region and in the ABC Islands. This agreement further strengthens the partnership between the two companies, and will enable Senersun's professional clients and home owners in the region to benefit from an even better service.
  • 德国

    DECKER Anlagenbau Expands Its Presence on the Asian PV Market

    In June, DECKER Anlagenbau GmbH and KEEYANG Engineering Ltd. from Taiwan formed a partnership, especially in the manufacturing of PV-systems. The partnership opens new development perspectives for the Bavarian company in the field of electroplating. Premium automotive engineering – which is an important sector for the Bavarian plant manufacturer - is currently enjoying strong growth in the Asian market.
  • 德国

    Sunways, Deutsche Solar Enter an Agreement Regarding Earlier Two Contracts

    Today, the management board of Sunways AG, Konstanz, on the basis of a resolution passed on the same day, entered into an agreement with Deutsche Solar GmbH regarding the amendment and early termination of two long-term contracts originally concluded in 2006 and 2007 that provide for the supply of photovoltaic wafers by Deutsche Solar GmbH (at the time the contracts were concluded still under the firm Deutsche Solar AG). The supervisory board of Sunways AG approved the conclusion of this agreement.
  • 中国大陆

    Grace Solar Gets the Odense 1.1MW Photovoltaic Power Project

    Recently, Xiamen Grace Solar Technology Company Limited started the preliminary work for the 1.1MWp solar photovoltaic power project in Odense. It shows that Grace Solar PV power station project has stepped into a new development stage.
  • 美国


  • 中国大陆

