• 中国大陆 英国

    浙江昱辉向Think Green Energy出售储能系统

    July 23, 2014 - ReneSola Ltd today announced the delivery of 30 ReneSola Novaplus 2KW energy storage systems to Think Green Energy. An additional 10 units are on order for use by Think Green Energy customers in the southeast of England.
  • 美国 法国

    Enphase Energy拟为Energy France Installation供应光伏系统

    July 23, 2014 - Enphase Energy, Inc. today announced that Energy France Installation (EFI) has won a project with AST Groupe to install 1,500 PV systems, each equipped with the Enphase® System, on newly constructed single-family homes. The two-year project will include more than 500 array installations in 2014, and about 1,000 in 2015, totaling more than 1,500 PV systems with expected installed power of 750kW.
  • 中国大陆 日本


    2014年7月23日 - 英利绿色能源控股有限公司今日宣布,其全资子公司“英利日本”已签署协议,将为日本冈山市一个大型电站项目提供32兆瓦多晶光伏组件。
  • 美国


    July 22, 2014 – Suniva, Inc. announces today that it is opening a second U.S. manufacturing facility, to be located in Saginaw Township, Michigan. Construction will begin in August, with production in the 4th Quarter of 2014 and will provide up to 200MW of additional capacity of its highly-regarded American-made modules. 
  • 美国

    SPI Solar在中国出售50兆瓦并拟新建21兆瓦光伏电站

    July 22, 2014 - SPI Solar today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Xinyu Xinwei New Energy Co., Ltd., has entered into two new PV project-related agreements. The first agreement calls for the sale and transfer of a 50MW project in Fenyi County, China. This project has now been sold to Xinyu Zhongzhi Guoxiang New Energy Electric Power Investment Development Co., Ltd., and Xinwei will continue to build and develop the project toward completion as planned.
  • 美国


    July 22, 2014 - SunEdison, Inc. today announced that it has signed a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). The power purchase agreement enables SNWA to lock in a significant portion of its energy costs at a fixed rate, providing an effective hedge against future increases. As part of the agreement, SunEdison will develop, construct, own and operate a 14MW AC solar PV power plant, located in Clark County, Nevada.
  • 中国大陆


    2014年7月22日 - 英利绿色能源控股有限公司今日宣布,在智利设立分公司,成立了拉美地区的第三家办公室,加大力度拓展拉美市场。
  • 中国大陆


    2014年7月23日 - 在广州番禺一个厂房屋顶上,工人们正为5.2兆瓦分布式光伏电站密锣紧鼓的施工。广东保威新能源有限公司为该项目提供专业支架产品和安装指导服务。
  • 美国

    Andalay Solar为WDC Solar供应组件

    July 22, 2014 - Andalay Solar, Inc. proudly announced that its panels are now being used for a solar initiative pioneered by DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) in conjunction with Washington, D.C.-based contractors, including WDC Solar, Inc.
  • 中国大陆


    2014年7月22日 - 中国七星控股宣布,与纽约上市公司ReneSola订立一份无法律约束力谅解备忘录,拟于十八个月内,向其收购不少于200兆瓦太阳能发电厂,包括位于保加利亚之两座太阳能发电厂及位于罗马尼亚之两座太阳能发电厂。