• 芬兰


    May 2, 2013 – ABB has won an order worth around $25 million to supply electrical and control systems for a new 75 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The order was booked in the first quarter. 
  • 德国


    2 May 2013 – Conergy is expanding its collaboration with energy suppliers further and joining public utility company Stadtwerke Winsen (Luhe) as well as representatives from Harburg District Council at the inauguration of a 100 kilowatt Conergy solar power plant. The rooftop plant is located on the Harburg District Council building in Winsen an der Luhe, south of Hamburg in Germany. The district had offered a lease on the 600 square metre roof area in the autumn of 2012. Stadtwerke Winsen (Luhe) won the tender for this project in close cooperation with Conergy. Acting as general contractor, Conergy was not only responsible for the planning and configuration of the plant as well as the supply of the components but also for the construction, for which it collaborated with its certified installation partner Schmidtlein Solartechnik.
  • 日本 美国


    May 01, 2013 - Kyocera Solar Inc. today joined LS Power and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to officially open the Arlington Valley Solar Energy II (AV Solar II) utility-scale installation in southwest Arizona. Kyocera is providing 25 megawatts (MW) solar modules for the 127MW photovoltaic (PV) installation; all Kyocera modules included in the project were U.S.-made. Block 1 of the 5-section installation is now live, with the remaining sections expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2013.
  • 德国


    02. May 2013 - centrotherm has sold its subsidiary GP Solar to ISRA VISION AG, thereby achieving its target structure for its new start shortly before the Ulm District Court is due to terminate insolvency proceedings. With its future concept, centrotherm is concentrating on its technological strengths in its core business areas of crystalline solar cells and semiconductors, as well as microelectronics. During its reorganization phase, the technology and systems provider sold subsidiaries such as Glatt Maschinenbau GmbH, and now GP Solar, which do not form part of its core business, as well as unprofitable parts of the company. 
  • 美国

    Hemlock Semiconductor多晶硅销售持续恶化

    Sales at Hemlock Semiconductor Corp. continued to worsen in an oversupplied market, its largest joint-venture parent Dow Corning Corp. said today.
  • 中国大陆


    2013年5月2日 - 尚德电力控股有限公司今天预公告2012年第4季度和全年度(截止于2012年12月31日)的财务结果。
  • 美国


    April 30, 2013 - Unirac, Inc. is playing a large role in powering up Volkswagen in North America today. 
  • 美国

    HelioSage为Boston Scientific国际配送中心安装3,900个光伏组件

    April 24, 2013 - Boston Scientific Corporation celebrates Earth Week by inaugurating a 3,900-panel rooftop solar installation atop the company's international distribution center in Quincy, Massachusetts. Today's event showcases the company's commitment to supporting renewable energy and sustainability initiatives.
  • 中国大陆


    4月27日 - 江西赛维太阳能公司自2012年10月起已经出售了超过三分之一的资产以获取足够现金用于偿还债务。
  • 美国

