• 中国大陆

    晶科向德国和欧洲光伏项目交付超过110万块Tiger Neo组件

    JinkoSolar announced today that it has delivered its Tiger Neo modules to a Solar Power Plant in Lobstädt, Germany (The Witznitz Solar Park). The Witznitz Solar Park adds up to 650 MW module capacity in total. JinkoSolar has delivered more than 1.1 million Tiger Neo modules to the site. German insurance group SIGNAL IDUNA, through its affiliate HANSAINVEST Real Assets GmbH, has invested in the project, securing 605 MW and Shell Energy Europe has signed a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Constructed last year by MOVE ON Energy, the facility will be under its operational management.
  • 中国大陆

    隆基Hi-MO X6组件点亮菲律宾家禽养殖场

    Gone are the days when chickens were raised in traditional coops. Partnered with a local poultry farm, Hi-MO X6 was installed across the rooftops of the farm in the Philippines, pioneering a low-carbon, and sustainable agricultural paradigm.
  • 中国大陆


    Kseng Solar returned to showcase its extensive range of solar racking solutions at the Xiamen International Industry Exposition (XIIE) in Xiamen, China. This time, Kseng Solar partnered with industry leaders Sungrow and LONGi, to present comprehensive solar energy solutions, covering modules and inverters, providing our customers with one-stop solar system solutions.
  • 中国大陆


    GoodWe announces the establishment of its Solar Service Centre in Bangalore, India. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, GoodWe continues to enhance standards of service within the solar industry.
  • 中国大陆

    阳光电源与Nofar Energy庆祝德国Stendal 230MWh储能项目

    Sungrow is pleased to announce the signing of heads of terms for supply and service agreements for a new BESS project with Nofar Energy. The project will be constructed in Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany and will utilize the latest BESS of Sungrow, the PowerTitan2.0, which was presented for the first time in Europe, at the "Power Up Your Future - Sungrow PowerTitan2.0 Experience Day" on March 7th 2024, in Madrid, Spain.
  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆


  • 加拿大


    Canadian Solar Inc. announced today that it has won three battery energy storage system ("BESS") projects, totaling 193 MW, in Japan's first Long-Term Decarbonization Power Source Auction ("LTDA"). The winners of this auction were announced on April 26, 2024, with the Company securing a 13.3% of the total awarded energy storage projects.
  • 中国大陆


    Clenergy proudly announces the successful COD (Commercial Operation Date) ceremony for the second phase of the 33.5 MW power plant project with BSH Home Appliances (BSH) at the Chuzhou Home Appliances Park. BSH, a joint venture of Robert Bosch GmbH (Stuttgart) and Siemens AG (Munich), is wholly owned by the Bosch Group.
  • 中国大陆


    隆基绿能在西班牙马德里重磅发布了晶硅电池效率新纪录与全新一代超高价值组件产品Hi-MO 9。隆基绿能创始人、总裁李振国,隆基绿能副总裁佘海峰,隆基绿能首席科学家、中央研究院副院长徐希翔博士,及全球客户代表、媒体记者等两百余人共同见证了这一盛大时刻。