• 美国

    NREL证实First Solar总面积组件效率达16.1%

    4月10日 — First Solar日前在总面积组件效率方面取得巨大飞跃,已获得美国能源部国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)的认证。
  • 美国


  • 中国大陆


    April 12, 2013 - China Sunergy Co., Ltd. today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2012.
  • 德国

    aleo solar扩展产品及服务 以提高系统电量利用率

    April 12, 2013. With residential electricity prices rising and solar power subsidies falling, self consumption is now an attractive supplement to grid feed-in. Recognising this, aleo solar has made extensive additions to its product portfolio – from system components optimised for self consumption to a professional training course for installers. "The more solar power used by the owner, the more economical it is to operate a photovoltaic system," comments Jörn-Bo Hein, Head of Sales Germany. As one example, if a four-person household with a 5kW rooftop system in Germany uses a third of the solar power themselves, then the economic advantage compared to using all of the power for grid feed-in can be as much as a third higher – amounting to around € 7,000. System owners can thus gain independence from rising electricity prices. The aleo Solar Calculator can be used to work out the impact of self consumption on the operating efficiency of a photovoltaic system.
  • 日本 美国

    ABC Solar Japan将与Suniva合作开发光伏系统

    April 12, 2013 - The US Embassy in Tokyo has selected ABC Solar Japan to provide expert leadership with solar integration services for research, design, automated documentation generation, application processing and submission for FIT revenue from the sunshine landing on every square meter of rooftop in the Central Tokyo complex, announced Tetsuro Nishida, ABC Solar Japan's President and Co-Founder.
  • 美国

    REC Solar为夏威夷居民提供住宅用光伏系统

    April 10, 2013 - REC Solar now offers turnkey residential solar solutions on the island of O'ahu. Thanks to REC Solar's partnership with Sunrun, Hawaii residents can now go solar without high upfront cost and lock in low energy rates for 20 years while slashing their electric bill from day one.
  • 美国 德国

    美国Advanced Energy正式收购德国逆变器企业Refusol

    2013-04-12 - 继爆出德国Refusol与Advanced Energy公司签署合约之后,如今德国光伏逆变器企业Refusol已成为美国Advanced Energy Industries旗下的子公司。
  • 德国


    April 11, 2013 – 德国新格拉斯科技集团(SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES)提供晶硅电池背钝化技术的生产方案(如PERC,发射极钝化和背场钝化)。该方案能在现有的晶硅电池生产线上进行升级,无需使用选择性发射极,通过AIOx/SiNy背钝化膜来大大提升电池的转换效率, 目前已经达到20.1%,是全球在大规模生产金属丝网印刷晶硅电池领域得到的最高效率之一。
  • 美国


    April 11, 2013 - Georgetown University is going solar with SolarCity on a project that is expected to cut the school's energy bills by tens of thousands of dollars and reduce more than 600,000 pounds of carbon pollution over its lifetime. The student-spearheaded initiative, Solar Street, installed 75 solar panels across rooftops of six university-owned historic townhouses on the scenic campus in the nation's capital. The project was unveiled today in an on-campus ribbon cutting ceremony.
  • 荷兰

    Scheuten Solar推出屋顶太阳能系统套装Solar Kit

    Scheuten Solar在1月举行的InterSOLUTION展会上,首次向外界发布了全新的屋顶太阳能系统套装Solar Kit。Scheuten Solar首席运营官Perry Verberne介绍道:“Scheuten Solar一直致力于推动荷兰以及欧洲的新能源应用。我们的屋顶太阳能系统套装Solar Kit就是为了使广大客户都可以轻松拥有一套高质量的太阳能系统应运而生的。”