• 美国

    First Solar碲化镉太阳能电池片效率达20.4%

    Feb. 25, 2013 - First Solar today announced it has set a world record for cadmium-telluride (CdTe) photovoltaic (PV) solar cell conversion efficiency, achieving 20.4 percent conversion efficiency certified at the Newport Corporation's Technology and Applications Center (TAC) PV Lab and confirmed by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The record-setting cell was constructed at the company's Perrysburg, Ohio factory and Research & Development Center.
  • 中国大陆


    2014年2月27日 - 天合光能今天宣布与约旦安曼的一家名叫鲜果公司(Fresh Fruit Company)的食品仓储及物流公司签署2兆瓦屋顶光伏电站项目总承包合同,在公司的商铺及仓库顶上建设屋顶光伏电站。按照合同,天合将负责工程设计,采购和建设。项目采用天合光能制造的TSM-PC05A 260瓦Honey高效组件。
  • 美国


    Feb. 26, 2014 - SunEdison today announced the closing of a non-recourse debt financing arrangement with Deutsche Bank. The debt proceeds will be used to finance the construction of 56 megawatt (MW) portfolio of four utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar projects in the United Kingdom. The portfolio is expected to be fully operational by the end of March 2014. This portfolio marks SunEdison's entry into the rapidly growing UK solar market.
  • 德国 丹麦


    Feb. 26, 2014 - SMA Solar Technology AG and Danfoss A/S plan to enter into a close strategic partnership for a step change in competitiveness. The two companies will take full advantage of economies of scale and joint development initiatives. In addition, Danfoss acquires 20% of SMA's outstanding shares and plans to sell its complete solar inverter business to SMA.
  • 中国大陆


    中东阿布扎比世界未来能源峰会(展览会) -- World Future Energy Summit(简称WFES)是致力于推动可再生能源发展,能源效率利用,清洁技术创新的展览会,是阿布扎比能源周的重要活动之一,由MASDAR(阿布扎比未来能源公司)发起, 由阿联酋酋长穆罕默德本伊德以及阿联酋政府支持举办。WFES每年一届,定期在阿联酋首都阿布扎比举办,活动由一场世界级首脑峰会,一个国际展览会以及其它特色活动组成(项目推介和融资区,未来能源青年领袖奖庆典活动,联合会议以及商务对接会议)。WFES致力于为世界寻求可持续发展的未来能源解决方案提供平台,在这个平台上业内的领导者、投资人、能源解决方案供应商、 科学家、专家、决策者和学者们将聚集一堂共同探讨日益增长的能源需求与气候变化带来的挑战,寻求实际的和可持续应用的可再生能源解决方案,推动在可再生能源和环保领域的技术创新,创造更多贸易投资机会,2014年度的World Future Energy Summit(简称WFES)于2014年1月20-22日在阿联酋阿布扎比市如期举办。
  • 中国大陆 塞浦路斯


    2014年2月25日 - 英利绿色能源今日宣布将向Grid Essence公司在英国开发的7个地面光伏电站项目供应54兆瓦多晶组件。Grid Essence公司2012年成立于塞浦路斯。
  • 中国大陆


    Feb. 24, 2014 - Canadian Solar Inc. today announced that it has been awarded a module supply agreement to provide 18MW of photovoltaic ("PV") modules to Hitachi, Ltd. ("Hitachi") for a solar power project in Japan. The project is owned by Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation with Hitachi as its EPC contractor. 
  • 美国

    BTU International公布2013年第四季度及全年财务业绩

    Feb. 25, 2014 - BTU International today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended on December 31, 2013.
  • 中国大陆


    Feb. 24, 2014 - ReneSola Ltd today announced it has opened a new office in Lyon, France. The office will provide regional sales and customer support services.
  • 中国大陆 美国

    阿特斯为Strata Solar北卡罗来纳州五座光伏电站供应组件

    Feb. 24, 2014 - Canadian Solar today announced it was selected by Strata Solar to power five utility scale projects totaling 30MW.