• 美国

    Radial Power奥斯汀3.35兆瓦光伏项目完工

    Radial Power today announced the successful installation and commissioning of the Paloma Ridge solar project in Austin, Texas. This innovative project, comprising both rooftop solar and carport solar, marks a significant step towards sustainable energy solutions for the region. Paloma Ridge is the largest solar project connected to Austin Energy, participating in Austin Energy's "Value of Solar" and performance-based incentive programs.
  • 中国大陆

    Enershare Successfully Commissioned 600kWh High Voltage ESS in South Africa

    Enershare successfully commissioned and installed 600kWh high voltage storage system in South Africa. This is a step forward for Enershare in energy efficiency and sustainability in South Africa. The project marks an important step forward in the region's search for reliable, renewable and efficient energy solutions. Now fully operational, the high-voltage storage system will transform the way our loyal customers use, store and distribute energy, while enabling more efficient use of solar energy.
  • 中国大陆

    科盛携新品支架系统亮相2023Intersolar Mexico

    Intersolar Mexico 2023 has opened its doors with 300+ exhibitors and 11,000 visitors from over 35 countries are expected to participate. At the expo, Kseng Solar presented its innovative ground and roof solar racking solutions to meet the diverse renewable energy needs of the local market.
  • 中国大陆


    Hoymiles has released its new high-powered single-phase HYS-LV-EUG2 hybrid inverter series in South Africa. This addition enhances the company's energy storage portfolio, ensuring a reliable solar power supply for South African homes while promoting energy independence.
  • 中国大陆


    Huasun Dali 2.5GW Phase I HJT Cell Project was fully completed on September 6th, and the first batch of 210mm heterojunction (HJT) solar cells was successfully produced. With an average efficiency of 25.23% and a maximum of 25.69%, the cells once again set a record for Huasun's mass production HJT cell projects.
  • 中国大陆


    Huasun Energy Xuancheng Phase III High-efficiency HJT Solar Module Project has reached a significant milestone on September 5th by successfully producing its first module, signifying the start of full-scale mass production. The first batch of heterojunction (HJT) solar modules in this project achieved a record-breaking mass-produced power output of 720W, which once again breaks the record previously created by Huasun itself, shifting the level of mass-produced photovoltaic modules to a new 720W+ stage.
  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆


    天合光能开始向大唐海南州兴海县大基地 56 万千瓦光伏电站供货。项目采用了天合光能至尊 N 型 700W+ 系列超高功率组件,预计 2023 年底建成投运,年平均发电量约 10.77 亿度,将为当地实现 " 双碳 " 目标、振兴乡村经济作出积极贡献。
  • 中国大陆

    ET Solar更名为EliTe Solar

    ET Solar Inc. is excited to announce our global re-branding as EliTe Solar, effective immediately. With over 15 years of experience as a trusted supplier of solar modules in the US market and nearly 20 years in global markets, we are updating our brand to reflect the "elite" nature of our products and services.
  • 中国大陆

