• 德国


    目前Parabel AG公司已开始在德国建造下一个大型光伏项目。除了在今年9月前安装完成50兆瓦光伏系统以外,该公司希望今后两年能进一步新建80兆瓦电站项目。
  • 德国

    Parabel's Krempendorf Solar Park Begins to Take Shape

    At the end of June 2012, the 40.5MW Jännersdorf solar park in Brandenburg (Prignitz, in the municipality of Marienfliess) was completed and commenced operation in accordance with the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). The "sister" project in Krempendorf, which is roughly 10km away, is designed to achieve an output of 50MW and is Parabel AG's next major construction project.
  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆

    山亿新能源SolarLake 15000TL获得photon测试机构双A级评定

    近日,山亿新能源股份有限公司(以下简称“山亿新能源”)中功率的光伏并网逆变器SolarLake 15000TL被第三方权威测试机构photon实验室评为双A级,在中等辐射和高等辐射下分别获得96.7%、97%的高转化效率,同时测试的各项技术指标也表现出色,获得较高评价。
  • 德国

    Q.CELLS Develops 60-Cells Module with Record Performance of 301W

    Q.CELLS is the first photovoltaics company in the world to break the 300 wattpeak (Wp) barrier for 60-cells modules. The record performance of 301Wp was confirmed by the independent testing institute SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) Institut Fresenius in Dresden.
  • 2012年7月12日

    EDF EN Announces Divestiture of Ontario Solar Project

    EDF EN Canada Inc. today announced it has completed the divestiture transaction of four Ontario solar projects with Fiera Axium Infrastructure Canada L.P.
  • 德国

    aleo solar Registers Interest in Innovative Solar Modules

    aleo solar today announced that the new modules and mounting systems unveiled at Intersolar are experiencing strong demand. Trade professionals attending the Munich show were treated to a complete range of innovative products: The module even uses the back to produce electricity from solar energy, which boosts yield considerably. Also on show was a solar hybrid module, which combines the benefits of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems and can be used both for hot water production and as a generator. The antiglare module also enables installation near airports and on facades. And with its new frameless BIPV module, aleo solar is offering new design options for visually appealing building integration. Many fitters are also interested in the new highefficiency module, the storage solutions and the SOL-50 universal mounting system. This subframe system made by SEN is designed to fit a wide range of roof types. Once fitted, it ensures the rapid installation of aleo modules.
  • 荷兰

    Photon Energy Donates PV Technology to Uganda

    Photon Energy has participated in a charitable program facilitating electrification and water supply in a village in Uganda, thus delivering on its motto that "Clean energy must be for everyone."