• 中国大陆


    Risen Energy is proud to announce its Heterojunction (HJT) Hyper-ion Modules have achieved an impressive maximum power (Pmax) output of 767.38Wp, with a conversion efficiency of 24.70%, a new world record in the entire solar industry released by a globally recognized third-party organization following rigorous testing. This remarkable Pmax output solidifies Risen Energy's position as a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) technology.
  • 中国大陆


    第17届(2024)国际太阳能光伏与智慧能源大会暨展览会在上海国家会展中心盛大举行。天合光能全场景化解决方案包含至尊N型720W组件、跟踪支架解决方案和新一代柔性液冷电池舱Elementa金刚2所构成的地面电站解决方案、一站式工商业光储融合解决方案,及户用场景解决方案闪耀亮相。现场更有新一代AI仿生液冷工商储系统Potentia 蓝海2首发;全球权威第三方机构PVEL、RETC、鉴衡、EUPD莅临天合光能展台,现场颁证交流;更有700W+全场景星势力天合光能共建海上光伏应用生态平台启航仪式、储能全球工程技术服务中心揭幕以及储能产品Vmark项目启动,再度彰显天合光能在光储行业的引领者地位。
  • 中国大陆

    双良加速国际布局 扬帆出海智造“双碳”

    Intersolar Europe在德国慕尼黑新国际展览中心盛大开幕,国际展商齐聚一堂,拓展全球合作机会,展出企业在清洁能源领域的最新发展成果。双良携光伏与氢能两大主题展台亮相展会,凭借卓越的技术实力与丰富的产品线,吸引了全球目光。
  • 中国大陆

    科盛携其尖端太阳能支架解决方案亮相SNEC 2024

    SNEC 2024 successfully held in Shanghai. Kseng Solar stood out with its comprehensive solar racking solutions for residential, C&I, and utility applications, captivating lots of audiences and garnering widespread interest throughout the three-day event.
  • 中国大陆

    阳光电源为YES Group南澳大利亚项目提供可再生能源解决方案

    Sungrow has announced the successful completion of a new project in partnership with YES Group as EPC Contractor and Sustainable Energy Infrastructure (SEI) as project owner. This project, situated in the heart of South Australia's agricultural belt, renowned for its prolific barley and wheat yields, represents a pivotal step in the region's transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.
  • 中国大陆

    清源科技推出ST Ikon:解决高劳动力成本和复杂安装问题

    With a dedicated commitment to system efficiency and smart technology integration, Clenergy continues its mission to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions. Today, Clenergy proudly introduces the PVezRack® SolarTerrace Ikon (ST Ikon), an innovative ground mounting solution.
  • 中国大陆


    在德国慕尼黑进行的Intersolar Europe 2024展会上,隆基重磅宣布其在备受关注的晶硅-钙钛矿叠层太阳电池领域研发最新进展。经太阳电池领域权威认证机构德国弗劳恩霍夫太阳电池研究所(Fraunhofer ISE)第三方独立认证,隆基叠层团队研制的商业化M6尺寸晶硅-钙钛矿叠层电池实现30.1%的光电转换效率,较该技术路线此前28.6%的电池效率世界纪录,大幅提升1.5个百分点。这标志着隆基在晶硅-钙钛矿叠层电池技术商业化开发方面取得突破性进展。
  • 中国大陆

    库卡电缆SNEC推出SIF QC模型

    KUKA Cable showcased its latest innovations at the SNEC PV Power Expo 2024 in Shanghai — the SafeFlex Integrity Framework (SIF). This model is specifically designed for photovoltaic transmission cables and accessories, adhering to stricter design standards to ensure higher quality and more durable products for solar power systems.
  • 中国大陆

    Solar N Plus Achieves Remarkable Success at SNEC PV+ EXPO 2024

    Solar N Plus New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. made a sparkling appearance with its innovative PV products at the SNEC 17th (2024) International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition (SNEC PV+ EXPO), one of the world's leading photovoltaic exhibitions, which opened last week in Shanghai, China.
  • 中国大陆

