• 挪威 美国

    REC合资公司NorthLight Power出售给First Solar 60兆瓦North Star光伏项目

    April 9, 2013 - NorthLight Power, a joint venture 60 percent owned by Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (REC) and 40 percent by Summit Power Group, LLC, today announced the sale of the 60MWAC North Star project in Fresno County, California to First Solar, Inc. The sale is in line with the strategy of NorthLight Power, which is to focus on the initial development phase of large solar power plants. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
  • 美国

    First Solar收购TetraSun,进入晶体硅市场

    Apr 10, 2013 - First Solar Inc. agreed to buy TetraSun, a startup developing photovoltaic technology for the rooftop market.
  • 德国


    • 来自Manz铜铟镓硒创新生产线的薄膜太阳能组件,现已装设于中国石林镇的太阳能园区 • 此成功案例为说明了Manz铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能电池整厂生产设备 (CIGSfab)的优势及潜力• 量产的模块能稳定地提供超过13%的效率,具备竞争优势
  • 中国大陆


    松下公司(Panasonic Corporation)启动了十万个太阳能手提灯项目(100 Thousand Solar Lantern Project),旨在到2018年,向全球各地用不上电的人们捐赠总计十万个太阳能手提灯。作为该项目的第一阶段,松下于2013年2月向非政府组织捐赠了3,000个紧凑型太阳能灯(CSL),帮助解决缅甸的社会难题。2013年3月,松下又向印度的非政府组织和社会企业捐赠了5,000个紧凑型太阳能灯,并计划向肯尼亚难民捐赠2,000个紧凑型太阳能灯。
  • 中国大陆 美国

    昱辉阳光将为Strata Solar供应32.5兆瓦光伏组件

    April 9, 2013 - ReneSola Ltd today announced it has agreed to provide more than 108,000 of its 300 watt ("W") high-efficiency Virtus II 72-cell polycrystalline solar modules to Strata Solar, LLC for use in five 6.5-megawatt ("MW") solar farms in North Carolina.
  • 德国

    M+W Group获以色列55兆瓦光伏项目EPC合同

    April 9, 2013 - M+W Group has been awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the largest photovoltaic power plant in Israel with a 55 megawatt/peak output. This also includes commissioning and maintenance. Client and shareholder in the project is Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd., a subsidiary of Eurocom Group. This free-field project will be a milestone for renewable energies in Israel and contribute significantly to preserving the country's energy mix.
  • 中国大陆


  • 中国大陆


    The 15th of March 2013 marks the commencement of cooperation between Clenergy International and the School of Energy Research, Xiamen University. Daniel Hong, CEO of Clenergy, and Li Ning, the president of the Xiamen University School of Energy Research, signed the strategic cooperation agreement on behalf of the two parties. The agreement was signed at the founding ceremony of the Haixi New Energy Industry Alliance in Xiamen International Exhibition Centre.
  • 西班牙


    Apr 9, 2013 - Martifer plans to build more U.K. solar parks after completing its first five and after a record quarter for the industry in the island nation.
  • 老挝


    2013-04-08 Sunlabob已获得迄今为止最大的太平洋合约,将为基里巴斯外岛提供离网光伏系统。