• 西班牙

    Martifer Solar希腊4.5兆瓦光伏电站竣工

    April 18, 2013 - Martifer Solar Hellas has completed the construction of four photovoltaic parks with a total capacity of 4.5MW in Greece, in the Preveza and Pirgos regions, continuing its strategy to develop and construct large-scale photovoltaic systems for investors.
  • 德国 美国


    April 21, 2013 - BELECTRIC has successfully connected the largest Thin-Film ground-mounted solar power plant in Europe to the energy grid in Templin, Brandenburg. With an installed nominal power of 128MWp, the power plant on the largest former Russian military airfield, Gross Dölln, will play an important role in supplying greater Berlin with renewable energy. Thanks to integrated dynamic reactive power control, the latest generation of solar power plants can considerably improve the stability of the power grids. This means that more energy can be transported in the existing grids, the need for grid expansion is reduced, and consumers can benefit from a significant reduction in their energy bills. "Decentralized solar power plants will play a decisive role in the future structure of the power market in Germany. Power from plants like this is the most economical method of generating power from solar energy. At present, we have almost reached the power production cost level of onshore wind," explained Bernhard Beck, Chief Executive Officer of BELECTRIC Solarkraftwerke GmbH.
  • 阿联酋


    2013年4月18 - 马斯达尔(Masdar)今天在毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国启动了一座斥资3,199万美元打造的公用设施级15兆瓦太阳能光伏(PV)发电厂。谢赫•扎耶德太阳能发电厂(Sheikh Zayed Solar Power Plant)位于该国首都努瓦克肖特,是非洲最大的太阳能光伏发电厂。这座新发电厂可提供毛里塔尼亚能源总量10%的电力,每年将可以减排约21,225吨二氧化碳。 
  • 德国


  • 中国大陆

    江西赛维Q1亏损5.17亿美元 连续7个季度亏损

    4月18日,江西赛维(LDK Solar)周四公布了2013财年第一财季的财报。数据显示,江西赛维在2013财年第一财季出现连续第七个季度亏损。该公司2013财年第一财季净亏损5.17亿美元,合每股ADS(美国存托股份)亏损3.68美分,不过亏损同比有所缩减。该公司2012财年第一财季净亏损5.887亿美元,合每股ADS亏损4.63美分。
  • 美国


    April 17, 2013 - Constellation and the Somerton School District today announced the completion of an aggregate 1.6-megawatt (DC) solar generation project in Yuma County, Ariz. Located at five sites -- Desert Sonora Elementary School, Orange Grove Elementary School, Somerton Middle School, Tierra del Sol Elementary School and Valle del Encanto Learning Center -- the installations are expected to collectively generate enough electricity to meet approximately 60 percent of the schools' electricity needs.
  • 德国

    aleo solar公布2013年第一季度业绩

    April 18, 2013. aleo solar AG will close the first quarter of the year 2013 with an EBIT of approximately EUR –16.3 million (first quarter 2012: EUR –8.2 million) based on preliminary calculations. The turnover amounts to approximately EUR 31.1 million (first quarter 2012: EUR 74.6 million).
  • 中国大陆 德国


    April 18, 2013 - ReneSola Ltd today announced it has agreed to provide Enerparc AG ("Enerparc") with 43.6 megawatts ("MW") of solar modules, 35MW of which will be delivered through original equipment manufacturers ("OEMs") in Poland and India.
  • 美国

    Chevron Energy Solutions哈特内尔学院光伏项目启动

    April 17, 2013 - Hartnell College and Chevron Energy Solutions announced today they have broken ground on a solar energy project that is expected to save the community college more than $11 million. The project will include over half a megawatt of solar PV generating capacity, and is expected to be completed and operational in July 2013. Combining the generation of renewable electricity from solar and improvements in energy efficiency, the project is expected to reduce Hartnell's electricity use at its Alisal Campus by more than 90 percent.
  • 德国

    Conergy为T&P Farms安装725千瓦光伏系统

    April 16, 2013 – Conergy Projects Group has completed construction of a 725kW photovoltaic system for T&P Farms out of Arbuckle, California. The system is powering T&P Farms' almond hulling and shelling operations. The system is supplying T&P with 95% of the energy they use and allows T&P to offset thousands in high utility costs.