苏州普兆新能源设备有限公司(PROJOY ELECTRIC)成立于2011年,总部位于苏州,秉承“SwitchtoSafety,有他更安全”的产品理念,是一家专注于为光储充领域提供光伏隔离开关储能微断、快速关断、能源安全和能源物联网等产品的专业制造商。普兆在新能源行业深耕10余载,建立智能电气和电力电子两大事业部。 自创立以来,公司始终围绕清洁能源领域尤其是光储充系统的安全和智能化,深度挖掘行业场景应用需求,不断布局和发展。以其可靠的产品质量和领先的技术水平,公司现已获得三十余项核心专利和多项国际专业认证,并得到行业一线品牌客户的广泛关注和认可。未来,普兆将继续保持初心,致力于推动光储充产业可持续健康发展,为客户创造一个更安全、更智能的新能源世界。
Their Switches are top notch. Very friendly and professional employees every step of the way. Sales consultant and post support have been on point, so thank you ProJoy Team!
-- Lutee Davis, Dahn Group
All of their workers were very professional and kept me well informed of what they were doing and when. I would highly recommend ProJoy. From production to shipment — The sales people were very knowledgeable, workmanship was excellent.
-- Lina, 深圳古瑞瓦特新能源有限公司
Fantastic communication and quality of products. Service in all steps was excellent.
-- Ida, 比亚迪股份有限公司