价格 / 台
最低订购量 | 2000+ 片 |
交货时间 | 28 天 |
MY-M3/96-500 | ¥276 |
MY-M3/96-505 | ¥276 |
MY-M3/96-510 | ¥276 |
MY-M3/96-515 | ¥276 |
MY-M3/96-520 | ¥276 |
电 池 技 术: | |
功率范围: | 500 ~ 520 Wp |
地区: | 中国大陆 |
Mysolar 灵蛇舞新程,光耀启华章 新春蓄势,万象焕新,值此灵蛇腾跃之际,我们以光为翼,再度启航,让我们抢占先机,用"蛇形走位"智破困局,共筑可持续发展的星辰大海! www.mypvtech.com
MY Solar is committed to driving economic development with green energy and creating a golden future with customers. Under the background of the general improvement of human environmental protection awareness and action, with the joint efforts of the team, with the trust and support of customers and the market, MY Solar has always maintained a healthy and stable development trend in recent years and has gradually grown into a more well-known high-quality new energy brand. MY Solar is also becoming the preferred supplier of new energy products for more experienced buyers.