类型: | 混合 |
功率范围: | 33~66 kW |
地区: |
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英威腾,成立于 2002 年,是国家火炬计划企业,重点高新技术企业,专注于工业自动化和能源电 力两大领域,依托于电力电子、自动控制与信息技术,业务范围覆盖工业自动化、网络能源、新能源 汽车及光伏储能。公司于 2010 年在深交所 A 股上市(证券代码:002334),目前拥有 4 个大型产研基 地,15 家控股子公司,员工总数超过 5000 人。
英威腾光伏,业务始于 2011 年,是英威腾旗下全资子公司,深耕光储领域多年,专注于为全球户 用、工商业客户提供更安全、更高效、更多收益的的全场景智慧光储产品与解决方案,核心产品涵盖 1-150kW 光伏逆变器、3-60kW 储能逆变器、储能电池和能源管理系统,先后通过 CQC、TÜV、ITS 等多 家国内外权威机构的认证与测试,在全球 100 多个国家和地区得到批量应用。公司产品及品牌受到各 专业机构的广泛认可,取得了 300 多项国内外认证证书及奖项。此外,依托母公司英威腾集团 22 年强 大的专业技术沉淀与经营底蕴,英威腾光伏在研发、生产、营销网络等方面独具优势。
未来,在全球碳中和的大趋势下,英威腾光伏将秉持“成就客户、业绩导向、开放共赢,拼搏创新” 的核心价值观,致力于成为值得信赖的光储解决方案提供商,为推动全球能源转型贡献专业力量。
英威腾光伏将于2024年10月3日至5日亮相印度大诺伊达Renewable Energy INDIA EXPO !诚邀您齐聚 BOOTH:R1062(Hall14) ,共同探索我们先进的解决方案.
Very good value for the money, optimum performance and good after sales service. Compact equipment and good implementation.
-- Paul Chiu, IM Solar
We have been distributing INVT solar inverters in our local market. The feedback we received from our users are positive. Thanks to INVT 's high quality product and professional service.
-- Noor Pashtoon, Noorpashtoon Limited
INVT Solar is a reliable solar inverter supplier from China. Not only can they produce high quality products, but also they can help users solve their problems after installation.
-- Waqqar Ahad, Photon Energy Solutions
INVT solar inverters have been in the market for many years. The reputation they have established helps us sell more solar system in Australia.
-- Jason Hwang, Pivotal Solar Solutions
Apart from their product quality and brand awareness, the reason we use INVT solar inverters in our solar system is because they are willing to work with us closely to solve our customers' problems.
-- Cannone, Hanover Solar GmbH
INVT's inverter has alway been our first option, when it comes to storage system solution. Our customers are very satisfied with their product quality and the service they provide. We will continue to grow our business together.
-- Martin Wu, 深圳迈格瑞能技术有限公司