EDF Energies Nouvelles完成建设印度150兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2015年7月27日

EREN Renewable Energy and EDF Energies Nouvelles announce the commissioning of NSM and Odisha solar plants totaling 150MW in Rajasthan and Odisha Indian states.

Located in the Rajasthan State, in the Thar desert, the 120MW NSM project is a combination of five photovoltaic plants, which are equipped with 612,000 solar panels in total. Located in the area of Sikuan, the 30MW Odisha solar plant, comprises 117,000 photovoltaic panels. With a total output of 150MW Odisha and NSM solar plants will provide energy to more than 90,000 Indian homes.

"The solar market in India has been steadily growing for several years and is now undeniably a competitive solution. ACME Solar is proud to actively participate to India's energy mix variegation strategies, and to the scaling up of renewable energies", commented Mr. Manoj Kumar Upadhyay, Chairman of ACME Cleantech.

"Based on our recent successful achievements and the solid complementarity between EREN Renewable Energy, ACME Cleantech and EDF Energies Nouvelles, our ambition is to become one of the main players on the Indian photovoltaic market. ACME Solar exemplifies a flourishing international collaboration with strong local footprint", stated David Corchia, CEO of EREN Renewable Energy.

"With 180MW solar energy capacity installed less than a year after our entry into the Indian market, the commissioning of NSM and Odisha consolidate our position in this high potential country and paves the way to other projects", comments Antoine Cahuzac, Chief Executive Officer of EDF Energies Nouvelles.

