ACME Group竞标购得印度160兆瓦光伏项目

发布于 2014年11月3日

ACME Solar
ACME Group today announced that it has emerged as the largest successful Bidder for 160MW solar PV power projects at the 500MW tender opening ceremony event at Hyderabad under RFP floated by Southern Power Distribution Company Limited of Andhra Pradesh (APSPDCL). As per the terms and conditions of the bidding document, the selected developer would sign 25 year long PPA with AP Discom on bided tariff. 

Commenting on this momentous occasion, Mr. Manoj Kumar Upadhyay, Founder & Chairman, ACME Group said, "This win is the country's largest win by any private solar developer. It is a testimony to the prowess of ACME Group and further strengthens our emergence as the leading solar power producer in the country. With this addition, our solar power portfolio has reached 422.5MW and we are on way to generate 1000MW by year 2017. We thank the Andhra Pradesh Authorities for their initiatives and look forward for support from all stakeholders to help us in achieving the dream of bring power to every house by 2019."

This project would entail an estimated investment of $ 210 mm/ Rs. 1250 crores. The 160MW projects would be set-up in the three districts of Anantpur, Karnool and Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh.

While other projects are at various stages of commissioning, the 100MW Rajasthan projects are expected to be commissioned by April 2015. 

来源: ACME

