EDF Renewable Energy购买24.3兆瓦阿特斯光伏组件

发布于 2014年10月14日
EDF  CSI Solar 
Canadian Solar Inc. today announced that it has closed a sales agreement with EDF Renewable Energy (EDF RE), to supply photovoltaic modules to the 24.3MW Catalina Solar 2 project during the first quarter of 2015. For this order, Canadian Solar will deliver to EDF RE a total of 83,000 pieces of custom specific CS6X-P solar modules.

"We are pleased to be selected to supply our PV modules to EDF Renewable Energy, a leading developer of renewable energy projects in North America. We are looking forward to working with EDF RE in the future. I am confident that Canadian Solar's global leadership, proven track record, and well-known brand name will continue to make us a partner of choice in powering key solar installations worldwide," said Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Solar.


EDF (光伏系统安装): https://www.enf.com.cn/edf
CSI Solar (光伏系统安装): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏原材料): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏组件): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏零部件): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar