EDF Renewable Energy兰卡斯特5.86兆瓦光伏电站投入运营

发布于 2014年7月3日
EDF  CSI Solar 
July 1, 2014 - EDF Renewable Energy today announced that the 5.86MW Lancaster Solar Project has reached commercial operation. EDF Renewable Energy and Urban Green Technologies LLC signed the Membership interest Purchase and Sale Agreement in October 2013 and subsequently started the construction phase in December 2013. 

The ground-mount fixed tilt solar photovoltaic project, located on approximately 30 acres of privately owned land at the former Shirley Airport, 50 miles northwest of Boston, Massachusetts, is comprised of 19,000 Canadian Solar modules. The electricity generated is supplied to the Town of Billerica, Massachusetts under a long-term Power Purchase Agreement, pursuant to the State's Virtual Net Metering Credits Program.

EDF Renewable Services will provide long-term operations and maintenance for the facility, balance of plant, project oversight, and 24/7 remote monitoring from its NERC compliant Operations Control Center. 


EDF (光伏系统安装): https://www.enf.com.cn/edf
CSI Solar (光伏系统安装): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏原材料): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏组件): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏零部件): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar