Indosolar获Azure Power的60兆瓦太阳能订单

发布于 2014年6月17日

Azure Power Indosolar
Jun 13, 2014 - Indosolar won a 60MW order from Azure Power. Azure Power will use the cells in two solar power projects awarded in a February auction that must be built using locally made equipment. 

India has required about 10 percent of new photovoltaic projects in the past year to use domestically made solar cells and modules. Washington lodged a complaint at the WTO, calling the rule an "unfair barrier to U.S. exports."

The rule is intended to help domestic solar manufacturers, which idled 70 percent of their capacity in the past few years, unable to compete in a global market during a four-year supply glut. Separately, India's Ministry of Commerce & Industry on May 22 recommended anti-dumping duties ranging from 11 cents to 81 cents per watt on solar imports from the U.S., China, Malaysia and Taiwan.

New Delhi-based Indosolar will start up 200MW of production and complete installation of an additional 250MW in manufacturing capacity by the end of this year, it said today. Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd., another domestic maker, expanded production capacity last month.

来源: Bloomberg

