发布于 2012年10月12日
Through a subsidiary, S.A.G. Solarstrom AG has agreed with Valsolar 2006, S.L. and Cavalum SGPS, S.A. to develop and construct altogether four photovoltaic power plants with a total output of around 440MWp in Badajoz, in the Spanish region of Extremadura, as part of a joint venture. The project has a total investment volume in the three-digit million range.
One project with 165MWp is planned for the district of Bienvenida, and three further projects with 55MWp, 132MWp and 88MWp are to be developed in the district of Calzadilla de la Serena. With the specific yield of solar irradiation of 1,550kWh/kWp achievable in Badajoz, the power plants could generate 660,000MWh per year after completion, which approximately corresponds to the requirements of 150,000 four-person households.
Through its subsidiary, S.A.G. Solarstrom AG will hold altogether 51% in the joint venture company. The agreement is subject to various contractual conditions. If all the approval procedures run smoothly, construction is planned to start in the second half of 2013.
It is planned to sell the electricity produced via power purchase agreements with local energy providers. The government of the Spanish region of Extremadura has contractually guaranteed their support for the project officially with regard to cooperation with the authorities, the energy providers and the network operator REE (RED Eléctrica España).
As part of the joint venture agreement, the S.A.G. Solarstrom Group is already constructing a 2.8MWp ground-mounted project in Badajoz in the region of Extremadura.