25-06-2013 Chemtrols Solar Private Limited unveils India's First MW Scale PV-Diesel Hybrid Solar Power plant in Tirupur, Tamil Nadu. A Spinning Mill in Tirupur District of Tamil Nadu has the distinction of having a MegaWatt(MW) Scale, Roof Mounted, Grid-Connected Solar power plant with unique DG synchronization capabilities, the first of its kind in India, and only the second in the World.
The 1MW Solar plant installed on the sloping roof of Alpine Knits (India) Private Limited at Palladam in Tirupur is designed, engineered and constructed on a turnkey basis by Chemtrols Solar Private Limited, headquartered in Mumbai.
The Rooftop Solar plant synchronizes with the incoming 11KV utility grid and provides energy to the spinning mill for captive consumption during daytime. Importantly, even when the utility grid is not available during frequent power cuts, this solar plant has the capability to synchronize with the in-house 1.25MVA Diesel Generator to provide up to 65% of the energy required by the Alpine Knits factory, thanks to the recent 'Fuel Saver' technology developed by SMA Solar Technology AG of Germany.
During grid failure period when the DG set is put into operation, the 'Fuel Saver' device constantly monitors the DG set electrical parameters, the available load at the factory and optimizes the Solar Power Plant output to provide substantial fuel (diesel) saving at any point in time. The Fuel Saver also provides protection to the DG Set and to the Solar Power Plant against reverse power as both are power generating devices.
Alpine Knits not only saves diesel but also earns RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) that can be traded at the designated Power Exchanges in Delhi or Mumbai within a price band of Rs 9300 to Rs 13400 per REC, the price band mandated by CERC until March 2017. Alpine shall get one REC for every 1000 units (KWH) of electricity produced by the Solar Power plant, the sale of which is estimated to result in an additional revenue of about Rs 2 crores per year.
Shortage of power has been the major grievance of the Textile Industry in Tamil Nadu. Power accounts for about 30% of the total cost of production in a spinning mill. For Factories that suffer Power Outages and are dependent on Diesel Generators for their power supply, a Hybrid System should be the solution of choice as it increases the utilization of the Solar Power Plant significantly and thus reduces payback time.
These Solar Power Plants also help in meeting the SPO (Solar Power Obligation) of HT consumers as per the TN Solar Policy.
This 1MW plant at Palladam, built in about 60 days with components procured from SMA, Germany (inverters), Canadian Solar (PV panels) and ABB (power evacuation system), was connected to the grid on 31 March 2013.