Blue Oak Energy加州4.2兆瓦光伏项目完工

发布于 2013年4月3日

天合光能股份有限公司 Blue Oak Energy
Blue Oak Energy has completed the delivery of a 4.2MWp utility scale solar power generation facility in Gridley, California. The electricity generated by the Gridley solar facility will be directed to two members of the Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) through separate energy meters: the City of Gridley and the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). The project was developed by LightBeam Energy, Inc. 

The Gridley solar facility is a ground-mounted solar electric system comprised of 17,584 solar panels manufactured by Trina Solar. The solar modules are mounted on a single-axis tracker system which follows the daily movement of the sun to increase energy harvest. The solar energy facility is monitored and scheduled by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) through a secure remote information gateway. 

Residents of Gridley appreciated that the project construction utilized local labor and local suppliers, and will generate clean power for the City of Gridley. 

"We were fortunate to have worked closely with Blue Oak Energy and its team on this project," mentioned Rick Lavezzo, CEO of Arraycon. "Arraycon was pleased to be able to contribute to the design of the system, and to leverage its experience to provide efficiencies in the installation." 

"We are thrilled to have delivered this important project," explained Tobin Booth, CEO of Blue Oak Energy. "This project will generate power economically for NCPA's customers every year for the next twenty plus years. We are thankful for the diligence and efforts from the City of Gridley, the NCPA, Arraycon and LightBeam Energy, Inc."

