
发布于 2024年6月28日
DMEGC Solar successfully obtained the internationally recognized ISO27001 information security management system certification, indicating that the company has reached international standards in information security management and protection.

ISO27001 is a management system standard in the field of information security, which aims to help enterprises ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information resources and protect the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of the information process.

In order to meet the certification requirements, DMEGC has comprehensively built and optimized the information security management system, established a professional information security management team to be responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of information, at the same time, through scientific optimization of processes and improvement of process transparency, it effectively reduced management costs and improved management efficiency.

Information security is an important foundation for the smooth operation of an enterprise. In the future, DMEGC will continue to deepen its information security management, steadily advance information security construction, and help the company's sustainable development.


横店集团东磁股份有限公司 (光伏原材料): https://www.enf.com.cn/横店集团东磁股份有限公司
横店集团东磁股份有限公司 (光伏组件): https://www.enf.com.cn/横店集团东磁股份有限公司