RECOM LION异质结光伏组件系列功率输出达720瓦

发布于 2023年10月24日
RECOM Technologies expands the the LION Heterojunction series and introduces the Lion 720Wp Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module, setting a new standard in the solar industry. With leading power output 720Wp and exceptional 23.2% module efficiency, this innovative module is a game-changer for clean energy adopters.

Boasting the industry's highest output, the Lion 720Wp module ensures unparalleled energy consistency and longevity ensuring a lasting return on solar investments. Due to its enhanced bifaciality, this module maximizes energy harvesting even during low-light conditions and cloudy days.

Built to last, with life expectancy over 30years, RECOM modules are not only reliable but also resilient against common solar challenges like Potential-Induced Degradation (PID) and Light-Induced Degradation (LID). This ensures continuous energy supply in all conditions, making it a dependable source of clean energy.

Product Specifications

- Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module
30 Years Product Warranty
Low Pmax at -0,24%/Celsius
>91,25% performance output after 30 years
10-35% Power Generation Gain
Module efficiency over 23,2%
High Bifaciality / High Energy Yield / Low Degradation

RECOM's power plants are certified to ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and Lion series is fully certified to IEC61215 & 61730 standards. Lion series is also certified to withstand extreme wind Testing [2400 Pascal], snow loads [5400 Pascal] and Fire safety Class C according to UL790.

RECOM supports fast and reliable deliveries ensuring product availability at European warehouses.


RECOM (光伏组件):
RECOM (光伏零部件):