科盛携新品亮相Solar & Storage Live UK 2023

发布于 2023年10月19日
Solar & Storage LIVE opened its doors in Birmingham. Kseng Solar made a remarkable debut at the expo, presenting its full-scenario solar racking solutions known for superior performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, which gained substantial attention and favor from local customers.

Presented Products

- Easy Solar Bracket: Universal Easy Solar Bracket, Balcony Easy Solar Bracket
- Solar Roof Mounting Solutions: L feet Roof Mounting System, Metal Roof Mounting System, Flat Roof Mounting System
- Solar Ground Mounting Solutions: Aluminum Ground Mounting System, Steel Ground Mounting System

Currently, the UK has set an ambitious target to increase solar capacity by nearly fivefold to 70 GW by 2035 as part of wider plans to power up the UK with cleaner, cheaper, and more secure energy sources. Kseng Solar is looking forward to maximizing the benefits of solar energy to support the country's energy transformation.

Dedicated to providing solar racking and tracking systems since 2015 and driven by the mission of "Empowering our world with clean energy", Kseng Solar will continue to leverage our expertise and deliver reliable solar racking solutions to the UK market, promoting the nation’s process towards carbon neutrality.


厦门科盛金属科技有限公司 (光伏零部件): https://www.enf.com.cn/厦门科盛金属科技有限公司