
发布于 2020年12月28日

晶澳太阳能有限公司 Redington Solar
JA Solar today announced that they entered into a distribution agreement to further strengthen their cooperation to promote the development of rooftop PV projects in India.

India's rooftop PV market has also been growing rapidly in recent years. Small- and medium-sized rooftop projects have short construction periods and require timely supply of solar modules. To better serve its customers, Redington has set up more than 90 warehouses across India to quickly deliver products and services to local customers, bridging the "last mile" between the advanced PV products and those customers. With the cooperation agreement signed, the JA Solar modules will reach the customers' project sites in a more timely manner through Redington's broad distribution channels. This in turn enables customers to keep their projects on schedule, to ensure service quality, and effectively helps promote the development of the local rooftop PV market.

JA Solar entered the Indian market in 2015. Since then, the company has been highly recognized by the local market and favored by local distributors with its excellent product quality, strong financial position and solid industry reputation. Distributors play an important role in JA Solar's sales and distribution process. Through close cooperation with local distributors, the company will further deepen localized operation and provide high-quality products and services to the Indian customers.

