
发布于 2020年1月19日

Solarcentury together with solar and wind operator Encavis AG, has today formally begun construction on its 300MW Talayuela Solar Project in Cáceres, Extremadura.

The project is expected to deliver direct employment in the region of up to 400 people at its peak, of which at least 100 will be hired from Talayuela, in agreement with the City. Overall, it is expected that the project and corresponding economic revitalisation of the area could result in the creation of more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs for the region in total.

According to Solarcentury's plans, the Talayuela Solar Project includes 320 hectares of protected land designated to protecting and improving the natural environment and local wildlife.

Solarcentury will install nearly one million (977,000) solar panels during the course of the project. To minimise the impact of such large-scale installation on the land itself, the panels will be anchored to the ground without the need for concrete foundations.

The plant is expected to be operational in the second half of 2020, capable of powering around 150,000 homes and reducing CO2 emissions by more than 170,000 tonnes per year.

Neil Perry, CFO of Solarcentury said, "Talayuela Solar is a truly positive milestone for Solarcentury and our industry, clearly demonstrating how solar energy can contribute to a 100% renewable future without the need for government subsidies, at the same time as creating jobs, improving biodiversity and making a real difference in the fight against climate chaos."

