Anesco联手EDF Energy建设英国16兆瓦光伏储能项目

发布于 2019年3月25日
Anesco  EDF 
EDF Energy – in partnership with Upside Energy – has signed a deal with Anesco to optimise a combined 16MW of solar and battery assets at the Clayhill solar farm.

The deal will see EDF Energy operate Clayhill's portfolio of assets through PowerShift. The partnership will now see the three firms work together to connect additional Anesco assets to the PowerShift platform. At Clayhill, EDF Energy will work alongside Upside Energy as controls partner.

Together, EDF Energy, Upside and Anesco aim to test new business models and provide demand-side response services that help the grid deal with fluctuations during times of peak usage and make maximum use of available renewable energy.

Vincent de Rul, Director of Energy Solutions at EDF Energy, says: "EDF Energy is thrilled to announce its partnership with Anesco, helping to maximise the profitability of its Clayhill site by providing access to the wholesale market. We have worked closely with Anesco over the past few months to develop a unique and innovative contract structure that will be crucial if we want to balance renewable generation on the grid and work towards a low-carbon energy mix."

Steve Shine, Executive Chairman at Anesco, says: "At Anesco we are always looking for new and innovative ways to maximise the return on our assets and provide more certainty to our investors. The floor price and 24-hour trading capability provided in this deal are crucial new developments for storage. This is a partnership between three fantastic organisations, we're already achieving great results and I am sure we will be working together ever more closely in the future.

Devrim Celal, CEO at Upside Energy, says: "We are very proud and happy to work with our partners at EDF Energy and Anesco. We are organisations that know each other well and our positive working relationships reflect that. Shaping the future of energy by pioneering digital solutions that support the management of smart energy is at the core of Upside Energy's business. This is an exciting, new opportunity at Clayhill to further enhance the business case for renewable energy and play a central role in the future of energy in the UK."

来源: Anesco

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