
发布于 2019年2月28日

Ingeteam is expanding internationally by opening two new subsidiaries in Morocco and Peru. With this expansion, the company has secured its position as a global leader in the provision of operation and maintenance services to energy generation plants with a global presence in 22 countries. Both subsidiaries are focussed on the renewable energies sector and have currently been awarded PV contracts, however there are also plans to increase their presence in both countries in the wind power sector.

In Morocco, Ingeteam employs a staff of 15 to perform operation and maintenance tasks at three PV plants with installed capacities of 71.5MW, 84.5MW and 19.5MW. The implementation of this project comes within the framework of the target set by Morocco, to produce 52% of all its energy from renewable energy sources by year 2030.

In Peru, the Lima subsidiary is providing operation and maintenance services in the PV sector at two solar plants in the region of Arequipa in southern Peru. These solar parks were constructed in 2012 and both have an installed power of 22MW, generating sufficient electricity to supply a community of up to 80,000 inhabitants.

One plant is the Repartición solar park, the second plant is located in the district of Majes, with more than 56,000 solar panels installed and covering an area of 100 hectares.

With the opening of this subsidiary, Ingeteam expects to strengthen its prominent position in the Latin American market as a supplier of power converters and provider of operation and maintenance services for renewable energy generation plants.

来源: Ingeteam

