阿特斯和EDF Renewables共同宣布巴西光伏电站项目成功获得3.73亿美元融资

发布于 2018年11月27日
CSI Solar  EDF 
EDF Renewables and Canadian Solar Inc. today announced their jointly-owned 399MW Pirapora solar complex in Brazil has successfully raised a total of 1.39 billion Brazilian reais (US$373 million) via multiple project finance sources. EDF Renewables owns 80% of the complex while Canadian Solar owns the remaining 20% stake.

The 191.5MW Pirapora I solar power project raised 220 million Brazilian reais (US$59 million) of infrastructure debentures through private placement to accredited institutional investors. The debentures have a tenor of 16 years and are guaranteed by the Inter-American Development Bank and IDB Invest. Fitch Ratings assigned the debentures ratings of A+ (Global) and AAA (Brazil), with stable outlook.

BTG Pactual acted as a financial advisor to the sponsors for this transaction. Proceeds of this issuance will be used to repay a construction bridge loan provided by IDB. This structure is the result of an innovative partnership between BNDES and IDB, which could stimulate the financing of other renewable energy projects in the country.

In addition, the 115MW Pirapora II solar power project closed long-term project financing of 366 million Brazilian reais (US$99 million) from Banco do Nordeste and the Northeast Constitutional Fund. Adjacent 92.5MW Pirapora III solar power project has secured long-term project financing of 271 million Brazilian reais (US$73 million) from BNDES and the Brazilian National Climate Fund.

"These financings demonstrate the huge interest of leading financial institutions in the development of large scale solar energy infrastructure in Brazil," commented Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Solar. "The high quality of the projects and the solidity of the sponsors were determinant to structure this important funding" – said Paulo Abranches, Chief Executive Officer of EDF Renewables in Brazil.

The three plants are powered by approximately 1,235,000 high-efficiency CS6U-P modules manufactured by Canadian Solar in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Solar energy generated from these projects are fully contracted with 20-year inflation-linked power purchase agreements.


CSI Solar (光伏原材料): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏组件): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏零部件): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
CSI Solar (光伏系统安装): https://www.enf.com.cn/csi-solar
EDF (光伏系统安装): https://www.enf.com.cn/edf