
发布于 2017年12月14日

EDPR 江苏林洋能源股份有限公司
Sunseap Group Pte Ltd announced that it is partnering China' Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co Ltd to develop renewable energy and energy efficiency management solutions.

The two companies signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding on 8th December to explore collaborations on solar photovoltaic projects both as potential supplier of solar panels as well as potential co-investor. They also propose to work jointly on projects to enhance energy efficiency and virtual power stations, and to adopt leading solar panel technology through the supply of Jiangsu Linyang's N type bifacial solar panels which are highly efficient and easy to install.

"We see much potential in leveraging our networks and domain expertise to deliver innovative clean energy solutions in a reliable and cost-effective manner to grow in the renewable energy market in Asia."

Mr Jue Cheng, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Linyang Energy Technology Pte Ltd, said: "Sunseap is Singapore's leading clean energy solutions provider and we are delighted to be partnering them to tap the growing interest in the region for a more sustainable way to power homes, offices, factories and communal places."

"The partnership will combine the strengths of both companies to offer optimum clean energy solutions to our customers."

