Empower Energies内华达州14.5兆瓦光伏电站投入运营

发布于 2017年8月17日

Empower Energies
Empower Energies, Inc. announces the completion of the Patua solar power project, a 14.5MW DC solar array in Churchill County, NV. The project supplements an existing geothermal power plant owned by CYRQ Energy.

"We were very impressed with the expertise and support we received from Empower Energies in working with our team on the design and completion of this critical project," said Nick Goodman, CEO of CYRQ Energy. "We look forward to continuing to work with Empower on other solar projects to support our geothermal activities in the U.S."

"The Patua project is a prime example of the strength of Empower's flexible business model in the clean energy industry," said John Clapp, President and CFO of Empower Energies. "We are able to deploy our development and operations teams to deliver high quality solar and related clean energy projects throughout the U.S. for customers whether they intend to own the project themselves, like CYRQ Energy, or seek third party financing through our DG Fund."

