Phoenix Solar拟在德国前军事基地建设4.2兆瓦光伏电站

发布于 2012年12月14日

Phoenix Solar SMA

Phoenix Solar AG has been commissioned to build a solar plant with a peak power of 4.2 megawatts in the district of Jerichower Land, Saxony-Anhalt. A number of compensatory measures for the environment and nature conservation will be implemented on the former military base through the construction project.

Phoenix Solar AG has supported the client in developing the project and is now responsible for the planning, delivery and construction of the solar park. Around 18,000 crystalline solar modules and SMA inverters will be used on an area of approximately seven hectares. Phoenix Solar and the investor intend to build the power plant to completion as early as January 2013.

With a construction project involving, for example, the building of a solar park, the Conservation Act of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt requires the operator to carry out what are known as compensatory measures: In the case of this project, these measures include the development and maintenance of a wet, species-poor fallow meadow covering an area of 13,000 m², the landscaping of the edge of a forest rich in structure and species, the installation of nesting boxes for bats and the piling up of stones to encourage habitation by lizards and other species.

The first afforestation of half a hectare of deciduous forest is also part of the measures, along with the planting of a richly structured hedge from local shrub species which provides an important habitat for the animal world while enhancing the countryside. With all these measures today's photovoltaic power plants make a significant contribution to renaturation – the regeneration of near-natural habitats on sites previously used for military purposes.

This solar park will benefit not only the climate and nature but also the local community through trade tax revenue. The maintenance of grassland and of the photovoltaic power plant will be performed by companies in the region.


来源: ENF

