

4 Avenue Jules Janin, 75116, Paris
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MyShop Solaire is a design office founded in 2014 and is a leading French e-commerce site in the field of ready-to-assemble solar kits. Providing a design office made up of 15 engineers from French schools specializing in electrical energy, MyShop Solaire makes bespoke kits from a very wide range of products. Their aim is to meet the specific requirements of the projects they support: grid-connected houses, converted vehicles, Tiny Houses, boats, portable autonomous systems, off-grid sites, etc.

Founded by Michael Jarmoune, the company's aim is to "Make the best of solar accessible, for everyone".


MyShop Solaire is a design office founded in 2014 and is a leading French e-commerce site in the field of ready-to-assemble solar kits. Providing a design office made up of 15 engineers from French schools specializing in electrical energy, MyShop Solaire makes bespoke kits from a very wide range of products. Their aim is to meet the specific requirements of the projects they support: grid-connected houses, converted vehicles, Tiny Houses, boats, portable autonomous systems, off-grid sites, etc.

Founded by Michael Jarmoune, the company's aim is to "Make the best of solar accessible, for everyone".

2023年7月3日 更新以上信息