Morningstar Corporation
8 Pheasant Run, Newtown, PA, 18940
美国 美国




With 30 years of experience and more than 4 million products in over 100 countries, Morningstar has truly earned its reputation for building the “world’s leading solar controllers.” That’s why system designers of the most mission-critical solar energy installations around the world insist on Morningstar components. From mineral mines in South America to telecom repeater stations in Canada, from gas wells in the Middle East to mountain peaks in Nepal, Morningstar technology and legendary quality make the difference between success and failure.

The reason Morningstar has such dedication to excellence is that we’re an employee-owned company. We not only can afford to be perfectionists, we have to be since our brand’s reputation is synonymous with our own. Our determination and spirit of innovation are what gave Morningstar products their legendary staying power.

A privately-owned US corporation, Morningstar's commercial office is located near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and our engineering lab is in Jessup, Maryland. Our manufacturing facilities are CNS 15506, ROHS & REACH compliant. They are classified as Class I sites, and are certified to the international management standards ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001. Our Quality control includes 100% functional testing on every product, using the latest computerized test equipment and processes.

零 部 件 类 型
技术类型: MPPT,PWM
类型: 离网
功率范围(kWp): 0.15-2.5
已知销售商数量 逆变器 62 销售商, 充电控制器 150 销售商

Morningstar designs solar charge controllers, inverters, and accessories for off-grid systems through its Integrated, Professional, and Essential Series. Our most popular products include a variety of 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 60, 80, and 100 amp controllers, and 150, 300, 700, 1,000, 1,250, 2,500 Watt off-grid inverters. These products are compatible with virtually all brands and types of solar modules, batteries, and other balance-of-system components.

Solar Charge Controllers
Off-Grid Inverters
About Us

With well over 4 million products sold in over 100 countries since 1993—functioning in some of the most extreme environments and mission-critical applications in the world—Morningstar Corporation can truly claim to be “the leading supplier of solar charge controllers and off-grid inverters.” That success is why Morningstar has had staying power and stable management for over 30 years, along with the lowest employee turnover rate— in an industry where many companies come and go.

We invest in the best R&D talent and resources available, with a ratio of designers and engineers unparalleled in our segment of the renewables industry. We maintain 35kW of photo-voltaic solar at our facility for real-world testing, research, and evaluation.

Morningstar’s products have been recognized in international solar markets as the most advanced and highest-quality products available. Our products exceed all other PV controllers & inverters for protection against extreme environments, corrosion, lightning surges, and harsh ambient operating temperatures (common to remote PV systems)—all while delivering more than twice the industry’s average operating life.

Supporting our global distribution customer network has been our #1 priority for over 25 years. Morningstar’s products are marketed through highly qualified distributors in over 100 countries. Our authorized distributors are typically the leading solar distributors in their respective countries.

Product Applications
Case Studies


  • ¥3,250 / 单位 *
    TriStar MPPT
  • ¥384 / 单位 *
  • ¥7,240 / 单位 *
    TriStar MPPT 600V
  • ¥2,890 / 单位 *
    ProStar MPPT
  • ¥2,160 / 单位 *
    SunSaver MPPT
  • ¥1,620 / 单位 *
  • ¥1,010 / 单位 *
  • SunSaver Duo
  • SunKeeper
  • SunLight SL 10...
  • SunGuard
  • SHS
  • ¥471 / 单位 *
  • ¥1,120 / 单位 *
    EcoBoost MPPT
  • GenStar MPPT D...


  • ¥6.43 / Wp *
    SureSine Classic
    0.3 kW 离网
  • SureSine Pure ...
    0.15 ~ 2.5 kW 离网


  • ¥7,240 / 台 *
    TriStar MPPT 600V
  • ¥3,250 / 台 *
    TriStar MPPT
  • ¥2,160 / 台 *
    SunSaver MPPT
  • ¥2,890 / 台 *
    ProStar MPPT
  • ¥1,120 / 台 *
    EcoBoost MPPT
  • GenStar MPPT D...
  • ¥1,620 / 台 *
  • ¥1,010 / 台 *
  • ¥384 / 台 *
  • SunSaver Duo
  • SunKeeper
  • SunLight SL 10...
  • SunGuard
  • SHS
  • ¥471 / 台 *
阿根廷 Solartec
阿联酋 Apex Power AME PowernSun Sun & Energy Solar
澳大利亚 All Natural Energy Arrid Power (AUST) Choose Solar iSustain Australia M+H Power RFI Springers Solar The 12Volt Shop WA Solar Supplies
巴西 Minha Casa Solar
玻利维亚 Enersol
德国 Knerr Solartechnik ÖKO-Energie Phaesun Prime Solar Solutions Wattstunde
多米尼加共和国 Trace Solar
俄罗斯 Solar Energy Empire Smart Systems 21 Solnechnaya Korona UST
法国 Accus Service Alterbatt Ecolodis Solaire NrjSolar Serelio Simple et Solaire Solaris Surtec Ingenierie
韩国 Eco Power
荷兰 Independent Energy
加拿大 Batteries Expert Battery Electric Battery World Canadian Solar Wholesale Charge Solar Circuit Solar Clear Power Solutions DC Power EECOL Electric G2 Solar K and C Solar MSM Electric Prairie Battery Raysolar Rematek Énergie Solacity Solar Energy DC Solarwyse SW Energy WeGo Solar
柬埔寨 Khmer Solar
津巴布韦 Thames Power
克罗地亚 Shine Solar Veneko
肯尼亚 CEL Critical Power Go Solar Kastom Energy
立陶宛 BSP
马达加斯加 Power Technology
马来西亚 Solar Panel Malaysia
美国 A1 SolarStore ABS Alaskan ACOSolar Air One Backwoods Solar Batteries In A Flash Beyond Oil Solar Connexa ECO Distributing EcoDirect EcoVantage Energy Edison Solar Effective Solar Products Ennis Wind and Solar Green-Go Solar Distribution LLC Hurricane Wind Power Inter-Island Solar Supply J.E.M. Solar Missouri Wind and Solar NAZ Solar Electric Online Solar Real Goods Renvu RSP Supply Solar Electric Supply Solar Panel Store Solaris SolarMyPlace Soligent Sun Electronics SunWize Power & Battery The Energy Store The Solar Store Unbound Solar
秘鲁 NetSat
墨西哥 Acceso Solar D-SOL Energia ElectroSolar Enalmex
南非 Current Automation
尼泊尔 RNA
尼日利亚 Ashdam Solar Poise Energy Solar Depot Nigeria Solarmart
挪威 Alternativ Energi Sunwind Gylling
日本 Etech-Japan Ikoro Natural-Sky NorthPower
瑞士 Go Solar IWS Solar
塞尔维亚 Suncica Telefon Inženjering
塞内加尔 Takoussane
突尼斯 Solakta Solar
土耳其 Polat Solar
乌干达 AIT
乌克兰 Alʹteko Hrup
西班牙 DamiaSolar Techno Sun Teknosolar Tienda Solar
希腊 Toosolar
新西兰 Able Solar Independent Power Reid Technology
牙买加 Carisol
也门 Delta Technology
伊朗 Inverter Group
意大利 Centro Omega Heliant Ryan Energia Uflex Divisione Energia
印度 Avante Global Services S.R.S. Solar
印度尼西亚 Rekasurya SSI
英国 Eco Power Shop EDC Marlec Engineering Photonic Universe Renugen Select Solar Wind & Sun
赞比亚 Maximum Solar Zambia
智利 Heliplast Kuhn
中国大陆 北京首善信达科技有限公司
中国台湾 聚恒科技股份有限公司 台邦科技股份有限公司 寶球能源股份有限公司
阿联酋 Apex Power GST Hollandia Solar Lion Solar Power and Lighting
埃及 Onera Systems
奥地利 Sunworld
澳大利亚 Outback Solar & Outdoors Territory Solar Solutions WA Solar Supplies Wilsons Solar & Electrical
巴基斯坦 Photon Energy Solutions
巴西 LOGIK Energia Stoyan Energia Solar
德国 SolarKonzept TASA Solartechnik
多哥 EZO Energie
俄罗斯 UST Your Sunny Home
法国 Simple et Solaire
菲律宾 Omni SolarPower
刚果(金) United Solaire
哥伦比亚 Solar Plus Energy Solen
哥斯达黎加 AMRtechnologies
荷兰 Independent Energy
加拿大 Eco-Energy Reserves Electrical Power Solutions Empyreal Solar Fundy Solar Green Sun Rising Greenus Solar IES Lakeshore Power Systems MSM Electric Northshore Energy Outfitters NWT Solar Terra-Green Solar WeGo Solar
津巴布韦 Thames Power
立陶宛 Energitechas
马达加斯加 Power Technology
美国 ABS Alaskan Alternate Energy Brightside Solar Elite Solar Services Ennis Wind and Solar Grid Alternatives MHPS Moana Marine NAZ Solar Electric Off Grid by Design Pacific Energy Company Renewable Energy Management Renewable Energy Systems Simpler Solar Systems Solar Direct
秘鲁 Caral
墨西哥 ABM Energias Renovables Acomee Rodsol
尼泊尔 RNA
尼日利亚 Blue Camel Energy
瑞士 K.W. Weyermann
塞尔维亚 Telefon Inženjering
塞内加尔 Takoussane Techfu
斯里兰卡 Micro Solar Power Technologist
索马里 Golis Energy
突尼斯 AES
瓦努阿图 PCS
委内瑞拉 Araf Energy
乌干达 ESL New Sun
乌克兰 Alʹteko Hrup
新加坡 Pan Delta
新西兰 Reid Technology
也门 Delta Technology
伊朗 Inverter Group
以色列 General Engineers
意大利 Ryan Energia
印度 Five Star
英国 Marlec Engineering Wind & Sun
赞比亚 Maximum Solar Zambia
中国大陆 北京首善信达科技有限公司
中国台湾 聚恒科技股份有限公司
斐济 CBS
Charge controller for off grid PV systems. Manufacturer with experience. Robust product of good quality and reliability. Good after sales service. Constant renovation in new products.
-- Proenal S.L.
We use these charge controllers for our large installations, they are economical and well made. Epoxy encapsulated for marine environments. Easy to connect. These charge controllers are extremely reliable.
-- Miwa Tominaga, Going Solar
最后更新: 2024年12月16日