greateyes GmbH

greateyes GmbH

Ludwig-Boltzmann-Straße 3, 12489, Berlin
+49 30 221 844 700
德国 德国

As a leading global specialist for electroluminescence (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) inspection, greateyes is passionate about cutting-edge technology. For the solar industry, the German-based company with worldwide customer base offers various off-line and in-line inspection systems for wafer, solar cell, solar module, and PV system examination. Typical applications are located within R&D and industrial production but also service.


设 备 类 型
硅片/晶圓制造设备: 硅片外观检测器
电池片制造设备: 电池测试仪,电池片外观检测器
晶体硅电池组件制造设备: 电池组件缺陷测试仪,其他